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Y/n sat cross legged by the fireplace in toshinoris house sorting through the internship offers she received in silence.

Muzan was as usual planning Y/n's next step to take over the world and bring his body back, the idea of starting from scratch in a more powerful society thrilling him more than ever before.

Y/n threw another paper into the fire, huffing when she didn't see the name she was looking for.
'Where is this idiots paper' she growled

Now annoyed, she flipped through the pages just looking for the name and when she finally found it she picked up the large stack and chucked it all into the pit, the fire shooting up and growing.

"Perfect." She signed the paper and pocketed it, looking around she got up and looked out of the window seeing the moon shining down Y/n jumped out of the window after dousing the fire leaving the house in total darkness.

She ran along rooftops not making a single noise, her body turning into a blur for anyone who even managed to catch sight of her by pure coincidence from how fast she was running.

Y/n ran until she made it a few hundred kilometres from UA.
It would be less suspicious if the murders were further from her residence.
She sighed, although Y/n didn't personally know nakime she did know that her blood demon art would have been really useful to have.

Enmu casually changed her height to look a child and walked through the night market.
If she was right and this world let people keep their conscience after being turned into a demon than her job just got a lot easier.

Y/n's nails sharpened and as she passed multiple people her hand shot forward at the speed off light and injected some of her blood into their blood stream.

And before anything could be said and done the night market erupted into screams of pain and the gurgling of people chocking on their own blood as some couldn't withstand the power of Muzan's blood.

"I- i can't stop!"
"Blood-" the man gasped as if he hadn't breathed for a while
"Why am i so thirsty..."
"H-hepls me"

Men, woman and children alike clawed at their throats, tearing their eyes as they tried to regurgitate the human bodies they had eaten.

"Stop" Y/ns eyes begun to glow red in the dark and every demon felt the hairs on their body stand straight at the power radiating off the child version of enmu.

"W-who are you.." a man crawled to her feet
Y/n stared him down before turning to the people.

"It seems you are the lucky few which have survived.." Y/n stared the now turned demons.
"D-DID YOU DO THIS TO US?" A woman screamed

Y/n calmly stood in the centre of the raging demons.
"Isn't society unfair?" Y/n began as the woman froze staring at yns hand as Y/n gripped the woman's forehead and held her below as she skimmed through her memories through Muzan's power.

"They've cast you all aside because of your quirks and unequal power, how you looks and what type of education you have...isn't it unfair how heroes get all the fame while the people behind the screens don't get so much as a mention"

Y/n glanced at the demon who used to be a policeman before moving her gaze to one who got fired because her quirk unnerved some preschoolers.

"Isn't it unfair how your friends are more favoured by their teachers because of their quirks.." Y/n lifted a 10 year old girls head to stare into her eyes feeling the jealousy radiate off the little girl as she thought of someone.

"Join me... and you will rise to see how the demon race is more superior to those fakes"
Y/n held out her hand as fire erupted from a stall behind her.

"W-who are you?" A young woman with teary eyes whispered as she kneeled in front of Y/n.

"I am uppermoon one, Enmu... and my master is-" The tension in the air increased as fleshy tentacles protruded from her back.
"Muzan-sama" Y/n's eyes widened as a face formed from the flesh coming out of her back.

A demon who now kneeled before her gagged at the pulsating flesh face of the demon king.
It took only a millisecond for a tentacle to stab him through the heart.

"Bow" muzan glared at the crowed of newly turned demons.
Every single demon immediately fell to their knees, shivering and staring at the ground.

'This power'
'I-is this t-the demon race?'
'Her master is a flesh tentacle!? I think I'm gonna pass out'

Y/n turned and stared at the crowed, their thoughts suddenly becoming extremely clear in her head.
"How dare you think that of Muzan-sama!" She growled

"Stand down enmu"

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