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"I told you, didn't I? It has nothing to do with you!" Iida cried out, Y/n watched from the roof of the building. Her presence was hidden, no one unless they were a hashira would be able to detect her and even then a hashira would struggle.

Y/n's lips curled up at the sight of blood, iida lay on the floor his arm bleeding while he yelled at izuku who had just made it there in the nick of time to stop the blade from impaling iida.

"If you say that, then heroes can't do anything! Th... There are a lot of things I'd like to say, but I'll say them later. It's like what All Might said: Meddling when you don't need to..is the essence of being a hero!" Midoriya nervously shook but now there was a new air of determination around him.

"No! If you get cut—" Iida screamed, midoriya ignoring the blue haired teen lost in his own mutterings and thoughts looked around for the hero killer who seemed to have disappeared.

Then suddenly the hero killer came from behind him, midoriya managed to doge, flip over stain and punch him over the head.
It seemed all fine until he got to the ground and froze.

"People who are all talk are a dime a dozen, but you are worth letting live. You're different from these guys." Stain spoke.

Y/n covered her mouth with her hand, how could she resist laughing at such a entertaining time as this?

"Damn it... Stop it! Stop it...!" Iida called out, tears building up in his eyes.

Y/n rose her hand, "sleep" she whispered. Iida just getting a second or two of shut eye before she ended her blood demon art, a new message echoing in Iida's mind as if he just remembered something.

"Y/n.. I need Y/n's help" he whispered, looking around before realising the female wouldn't be with him and that he could have just blown his only chance of revenge because he didn't take her offer.

Just then a burst of ice separated Midoriya and stain, a wave of fire following shortly after.
Todoroki emerged from around the corner of the alleyway.

Y/n lay on her front, kicking her feet childishly, her face void of emotion showing her true colours for once.

"One after another... There are a lot of people getting in my way today." Stain growled

"Midoriya. You need to give more details in times like this. You made me late." Todoroki calmly spoke despite the situation, he looked at the hero killer

"T-Todoroki, you too?" Iida muttered, a slight feeling of disappointment welling in him as he had wanted Y/n to be the one who came to his rescue and not his half and half classmate

"Why are you here...? And you're using your left side..." Midoriya muttered just loud enough for them to hear.

"Why? That's my line. It took me a few seconds to figure out what you meant since you sent just your location info. You're not really one to send that for no reason. You meant that you were in trouble and to call for help, right? Don't worry. The pros will also get here in a few minutes."

Todoroki explained his calculations on how he had realised that he was in danger before turning and looking at Iida.

"I won't let you k*ll these guys, Hero k*ller."
He added on after thinking a bit.

"Todoroki, you can't let this guy see your blood! I think he controls his opponents' actions by ingesting their blood orally. That's how he got all of us! He sucks blood to keep people from moving. "
Midoriya called from his frozen spot on the floor.

"That's why he uses blades, huh? I can keep my distance and—"
Todoroki was cut off as a blade was shot towards him.

"sh**t!" The three boys spoke in unison as native, the pro hero lying on the wall covered in his own blood, shivered as they felt a new presence.

"You have good friends, Ingenium!"
Stain called as todoroki managed to block the hit while he hadn't realised the presence of the newcomer

"Y/n!?" Todoroki and Izuku thought at the same time, relief evident as they slightly relaxed.
Iida saw her next, his eyes widened with hope.

'Foolish human' Y/n thought happily.

"I've inherited my brother's name. I have to do it..." Iida spoke directly to stain, catching Y/n's eyes and nodding.

Y/n smirked, her nails growing longer

"Y/N. I AM READY. NOW" Iida yelled in determination

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