Captain America (Mega tea)

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I never heard of these places until Colin first told me about Pivot. That was the one I would go to because it's in Oxford and I live in Oxford. Later Colin discovered Factor Level which is in Webster and not too far away from his house. This menu above is the menu from Factor Level Nutrition they have on their Facebook page. Since then, I had discovered other places throughout Massachusetts and beyond and I want to share with you the drinks I tried, the stories I have heard, and the adventures I had. The first place I will talk about is Factor Level as I am still trying to explore their drinks. 

The first drink I tried was Captain American. I been going down the menu and this one is the first one listed so it made sense this would be the first drink I will have. Because I had this a long time ago, I don't have a picture of me trying it to put here.

I remember Captain America and The Hulk teas look alike. They were both purple and green and I remember they tasted the same. I liked Captain America. The drink, I don't care for the superhero. I had also tried a Captain America at the new Herbalife place that is also in Webster, a crossed from Planet Fitness called On Point Nutrition and that was good too. Looked and taste the same. At Impact 508 Nutrition in Worcester also had a tea with the same name but that one was red, and it tasted differently. I think that version of the drink was better.  

These drinks are good for when you are going to work out or after a workout. Me and Colin went to the new On Point Nutrition after we were at Planet Fitness for an hour, and it was nice. 

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