Chapter 1

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(I'm just gonna add some random pics above the chapter)

The Lotus Pier

Sounds of someone screaming could be heard from within the mansion of the Lotus pier. A man in his early 30's could be seen pacing worriedly outside the room where the screams were coming from. A five years old boy and a nine years old girl were also present there worried about their mother.

"A-Die...will A-Niang be alright...?" Asked the boy to his Father scared by hearing the painful screams. The man kneels infront of his son and pats his head saying softly "A-Cheng...don't be scared, remember your A-Niang is strong she'll be fine once this is over."

The boy couldn't help but still feel worried, seeing this the girl beside him says smiling "A-Cheng remember after this we're going to have another sibling with us to play and we can take of him or her always right" hearing this the boy smiles as well and replies excitedly "Yes A-jie!"

As they stopped talking the screams got replaced with the wails of a newborn and hearing this the three smiled happily. "Yay! I am a big brother now! Yay!" Exclaimed the boy named Jiang Cheng jumping holding the girls hands whose name is Jiang Yanli who is also very happy. Their father named Jiang Fengmian smiled seeing his children happy and that he now became a father again.

After a few minutes the door of the room opened and the healer came out of the room with smile and speaks " Jiang Jiaozhu Congratulations the Jiang sect now have a second heir. Yu furen gave birth to a Lovely and healthy boy." Hearing this the three of them get super happy and Jiang Fengmian rewards the healer for giving the good news.

"One more thing Jiaozhu" spoke the healer as Fengmian asks what is it and the healer replies "it seems that Jiang Er Gongzi is born with a golden core" Fengmian is shocked hearing this so as Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli. "Is that really possible? If it is then how?" Asked Fengmian to the healer who shooks his head saying "I don't know Jiaozhu this is my first time seeing something like this happening as well."

Fengmian sighs and dismisses the healer and goes into the room with his children tagging along behind him and as they enter they saw Yu Ziyuan laying on the bed sidewards with her hand placed on the little bundle beside her as she is gazing her newborn with a gentle smile and look.

Looking this Fengmian smiles and calls out "A-Yuan...." as he did he got a shushed by her "He just fell asleep....lower your voice A-Feng....." Yu Ziyuan says this as she sits up slowly " Careful My lady." Fengmian says as he goes towards her helping her sit properly.

Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli also follow their father towards their mother and as they did they moved close to their didi. "Waah he is so small and chubby" said Jiang Cheng with low voice as he looked at his didi with Awe. Jiang Yanli chuckles and says "When you were born you were like this too A-Cheng" "But I am all grown up now" Said Jiang Cheng folding his hand to his chest with a proud look on his face.

Fengmian and Ziyuan smile at this Fengmian says "Now now you two don't be like that we don't want your didi get disturbed now do we" as he said this he gently picks up the little baby into his hand and notices the spiritual energy flowing through the baby's small body. "Looks like the healer was right, Our little boy has a golden core already formed inside him" as Fengmian said this the baby in his hands stirs up from his sleep and slowly opens his dark purple eyes just like his mother's.

"Looks like his nap time is over" said Ziyuan. "Looks like it" Fengmian said and turned to face his little son "Hey there little boy you know who I am? I'm your A-Die and-" shows the boy to his older kids "this is your Da-ge" said pointing at Jiang Cheng and then points at Jiang Yanli saying " and this is your A-jie."

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