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The thing with being ignored and unseen was people didn't see the changes in a person.

It started when I was 15.

One of my brother's best friends Damien was 19 at the time. He was always watching me.

He had been around the family for a few years now. Him and my brother met in school and something about his family doing business with mine made my brother and him instantly click.

He fit in more with my family than I did.

I don't really remember how it began.

I didn't do much I'd read in the library , I'd play the piano in the music room, I'd paint or draw outside. Or I'd be in my room.

Damien started making his presence more known when I was alone which was all the time. He'd come and try to talk to me.

He'd sit with me in silence.

I really had no idea what his deal was.

It'd been going on for a few months until one night it changed.

Damien was staying over because his parents went away on business with mine. He was staying in a guest bedroom that wasn't close to mine.

I was having trouble sleeping like I always do. Replying that day when Loretta was taken over and over to see if I missed something a clue that could help us find her.

We had no idea if she was alive or dead, how she was treated nothing. I wouldn't even recognize her if I walked past her in the street.

I heard my door handle move. That was weird no one ever came in here..not even the maids I had to clean it myself.

I sat up and in walked Damien.

Confusion was written all over my face. What was he doing here.

He came in and I heard him lock the door.

He came over to the bed and sat down. Again trying to talk to me but I didn't want to talk to him. He wasn't my friend.

He got annoyed that I wouldn't talk and pulled me from under the cover onto him. He had a firm grip in my head and told me not to ignore him or I wouldn't like what happened. So I just nodded.

He held me there for awhile not letting go of my hair before he kissed me.

I was in a state of shock.

I had never been kissed before. He was a close family friend,what was he doing. He'd never raised his voice at me either.

I tried to get out of the kiss but he wasn't having it and that's when I felt the first slap to my behind. I was mortified i'd never been hit in my life.

He told me to kiss him back or he'd hit me again so I did. My eyes where full of tears ready to drop but I wouldn't let them.

I could try shout for help but who would listen. At this point my family hasn't spoken or acknowledged me for 11 years.

Things soon took a turn when Damien's hands started wandering.

Trying to shove him off only earned me with another slap that was harder than the last.

I finally spoke asking him to stop but he didn't listen

His hands were all over me. He was soon taking my nighty off and I was just on his lap in knickers.

I felt disgusting. No one had ever seen my body. It was mine. Mine to show who I wanted when I was ready and he was just staring at me like someone possessed.

My pleas fell of deaf ears.

My boobs was groped, my ass was grabbed. I feared what was going to happen.

I knew what was going to happen. And I didn't want it.

I was fully naked and Damien looked like he was ready to devour me.

Damien got undressed and while he was doing that I tried to make a run for my bathroom that had a lock. I could be safe.

I ran but Damien was quicker and grabbed me.

I was silently crying tears coming down my face. I had no way out now.

He smacked me again. And threw me to the bed.

He wasn't gentle.

He took me against my will.

He was aggressive.

He left marks all over my body in what he said was him claiming me as his.

He stole my virginity.

This wasn't a one time thing. He kept coming to my room even if he wasn't staying the night. He'd come during the day in the evening or the middle of the night to get his "fix"

The marks where never noticed by anyone. No one paid attention.

I became more withdrawn but who cared?

No one noticed.

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