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I watched her go, but remained sitting, and watching.

"Are we following?" Ocean asked. "Sounds like fun."

I grinned, "Oh, I'm sure it will be, but knowing how the trick was done takes some of the fun, doesn't it?"

Ocean's grin turned to a thoughtful frown, then he said, "No, not really."

Smiling, I took another drink and then set my glass down. The woman behind the bar hung up the phone, and the sound of a siren cut through the night, getting louder as it came near. But I was focused on ... Ismael.

That girl wanted him to follow. She wanted to see what he would do. She was the same girl from before. Her elder called her Alicja. Interesting name. Alicja. I enjoyed the feel of it. 

Noble Blood

Her hair was light and wavy. Full and thick. Surprisingly long, out from those scarves she wore like a turban when I saw her earlier. Her elder wore the same.

Ismael was correct when he named them Enedral. He also made sure I was going to intervene. I would have anyway, maybe. But the Enedral were our people on this side of the Curtainwall. My people.

Alicja wanted him to follow. That little bit she did at the end, was to put in his head the idea that now was the break he was hoping for.

It worked. Ismael was alert. He wasn't slumped on his stool any more. He was stiffer. His eyes scanned the floor, the door, the night outside. Circumspect, he watched the bartender. Then he slid off his stool, his hands gathering his needs off the bar, and he made his way to the door, just as the last three went out.

I nodded to the back door that Alicja used. Ocean agreed and fell in behind me as I passed.

Outside we lighted up onto the roof and ran silent, jumping from one building to the next. It was of course easy to follow so many people — and knowing where a naked white boy happened to be — And the firetruck lights marking the spot.

There was much to look at, flashing lights and pointing fingers. Several hoots and howlers. No one was looking in our direction.

The main body of the looky-loos arrived at the CVS drug store just as the fire department pulled up. And there on the roof, was indeed a naked person, looking pale in the street lights. Cold too, as a light fog had moved in from the Gulf.

My attention was on the Enedral girl. Alicja. Her and her quarry. I was certain she wanted him to follow. I guessed she expected something to happen with him, and didn't want to lose sight beforehand.

As suspected, she feigned interest in the naked man, while she kept her eye on Ismael. Standing inside a small knot of other watchers, she let him pass her by. It was a clean move. She had talents for a spy.

"Now that she has him, what's she going to do with him?" I wondered out loud to Ocean.

"Who cares?" he returned, exasperation heavy in his voice.

I grinned and glanced at him, "Hey, if you're bored, you can always leave."

"No, honestly, why do you care? I thought we were watching for hunters swooping down on that Ismael person."

"We are. She is too. Her instincts are telling her something is going to happen. Aren't you curious how she senses this?"

He frowned, "No, not in the least. She's a mortal."

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