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Veatrice Pov;
I finally ate my breakfast and got up and helped grandma put the dishes in the sink. My grandma gave me my lunch, and I headed out the door.

I ran to the bus stop and was met with my cousin, I secretly snuck behind him, slapped him hard on the back, and he flinched and yelled.


He looked at me and gave me a glare. I laughed and stood next to him.

Craig:Geez, can you fucking stop with the sneaking up me shit?

Veatrice:Oh, c'mon! Cousins always does this type of stuff. It's a sign of caring!

I said and ruffled his hair, and he looked at me and sighed in annoyance.

Veatrice:And beside, I like scaring you.

Craig:Yeah,whatever.. I need help-

Veatrice:can't help you.

Craig:What?? What do you mean?? I haven't even told you yet.

Veatrice:Okay,spill the tea then.

Craig:Do you know that girl with tweek yesterday?

Veatrice:Mhm... the girl with blonde hair?

Craig:Yeah, that girl.. she's fucking getting on my nerves.. she needs to go.

Veatrice:Yeah.. sorry,buddy. Can't help ya.

Craig:What!? Why not!?

Veatrice:You're not gonna learn anything if you keep asking me for help.

Craig:What? that's stupid,I have learned something.

Veatrice:Mhm..? Like, what exactly?


Veatrice:That's what I thought.

Craig rolled his eyes and flipped me off, so I flipped him off twice with both of my hands.

His friends then came up to us, I already knew their names.

Cylde:Heyyy Craig,my man!
*cylde greeted*

Cylde:And hi.. girl?

Token:Her name is vea.. gosh, cylde.. use your fucking brain for once.

Jimmy:H-How can he u-use his brain when he d-doesnt even h-have one?
*Jimmy replied*

I toiken and me burst out laughing, and craig chuckled abit. Leaving cylde embrassed and pissed.

Cylde:I'm not friends with you guys anymore.
*cylde said*

Token:Okay, we all know that after a couple of days, you'll come crawling back to us. Like you always did.

*yelled clyde*

Craig:Yeah, then you come crawling back crying and begging for forgiveness?


Jimmy:K-Knew it.

the bus then came, and everyone went on the bus. As the bus driver started driving again.
Craig's friends decided to sit at the back, and so did I.

Token:You guys did math homework yesterday?


everyone on the bus turned to look at us, and I felt embrassed.


Everyone went back to minding their business,shit I forgot to do my homework again..

Token:If you forgot your homework, it's okay. You can copy mine.

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