' The biggest man alive! '

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Tommy banged his head on the counter.

Another day, another fucking annoying customer, he sighed, the customer he had just served would not back down to admit she was in the wrong. Tommy was always right, that's just what's so cool about him. 

He looked up to see a snickering man that looked like he was around his 20's, he had brown hair, glasses with along dark brown coat, there were two people behind him, one with pink hair with much fancier clothes then the first one who was rolling his eyes and another who looked the oldest among them who swatted the brown haired one on the head for being a dickhead.

Tommy scowled it was so close to closing time and he had to deal with these idiots.

"Welcome to Bad's cafe, what can I get you?" He did his best to hide his annoyance but didn't do it very well based on the old man's  response.

"Sorry to come in so late mate, I'll have a black coffee with a classic muffin," the older one said quickly.

"Techno?" His eyes moved over to the pink haired man.

"One honey muffin," 

Tommy turned to the man who was still snickering, he gave him a hard glare to which he ignored, the man instead leaned way to close to the counter for Tommy comfort. Tommy took one step back when the man had almost his full upper half leaning on his arms.

"I want an explanation on why you banged your head," he grinned wildly.

"I had a rough costumer, alright? Now please just fucking say what you and leave, this has been 'fun' but it's close to closing time. Now, what can I get you?" Tommy growled in a warning voice

The man immediately looked around the shop looking like he was a attempting to find them customer.

"Wil, we have to go soon, the shop is closing," the man named Techno said in a low voice.

"Not until I give that person a beating," he winked.

"They left now. What do you want?" Tommy sighed tiredly.

"Chocolate muffin."

Tommy typed the orders into the cash register, then turned over to the kitchen.

"Tubbo! One black coffee with a classic muffin, honey muffin and a chocolate muffin! Make sure to spit on the chocolate muffin for me! The customers a dickhead!" He called loudly while passing a glance at Wil, to which he scowled dropping his head a little bit, but he did not once lean back, he was just practically laying on the counter.

He turned back around trying not to make eye contact with the group who were clearly not from around here. They had sparkling clean clothes, it looked as if they have a shower every morning, for fucks sake, they could be from East side. The one named Techno looked like he went to five different million pound stores to get just this outfit.

"Tommy," the brown hair man said unexpectedly.

Tommy whipped his head up to stare at the man wildly. How did he know his name? Tommy stiffened and the man immediately saw with an awkward expression. He finally leaned back and he apparently thought this was funny because he was putting on a cold creepy smile.

"It's on your name tag," the older man said while passing an angry glare to Wil, Wil shrank under the gaze.

Tommy sighed impatiently waiting for the order. His gaze shifted from Wil and turned to the TV. It was playing a clip of Insomnia, The Blade and Zephirus fighting Dream, Flame and 404. Tommy stiffened as it said where the fight was, the fights were getting closer and closer to the West end, that was unsettling to Tommy, just thinking about it made his skin crawl. How long would it be until the fight were on their roofs? Wil snickered at Techno as The Blade got hit of the head with a rock, Tommy found that strange, was there a inside joke he didn't hear? Or was the Blade Techno's favourite hero, it would make sense, the man was wearing fucking gold just like the Blade.

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