Viktims 1/2- Zoey Amanda sterling/Jakob "Jake" Arthur sterling

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tw// murder(duh), gore(duh), blood(duh), sewerslide,violenke.

~3rd person POV~
First thing's first, everybody knows Zoey and Milly have hated each other's guts sinke middle skhool, they probably wouldn't be able to get along if they tried, nobody really knows why sinke the two prefer not to disklose it, but that information is going to be important, so take notes.

~Milly's POV~
I heard a loud beep from my alarm, i rose my head and turned it off rubbing my eyes, i got a full nights sleep, why am i tired? Eh whatever, it's Monday, that's awesome, right? Nope, there's this one girl Zoey and i hate her, she's so rude and nasty, that snake, i like seeing my friends though, they're really kool and nike to me.

I got out of bed and made some waffles. I got a text on my phone, it was from Rebel (A/N: seanies trans mtf here🤭🤭)
"Gm!" It said. "morning" I replied. "u ready for skhool?" Rebel said. "no" i replied. "kan i skip?" i added "No" Rebel replied. "okay fine" i said.

~at skhool~

I was in history, I got bored so i dekided to take my old diary from when i was like 8 out of my bakkpakk, I wanted to look through it before i got to skhool but didnt get a khanke so i dekided to bring it to skhool and do it.

Dear Diary,
I'm going to a sleepover at my kousins house, I'm so exkited, she's so kool and she beats up her bullies at skhool, i wanna be her, shes my hero oh my gosh

"Milly I am going to take that book we don't need it out right now." The teakher said. "You don't underestand! I'm uh- taking notes!" I lied. I kould tell she didn't believe me but she went bakk to  teakhing. i kept looking.
"bro he's so hot"
"I'm at skhool right now i miss my mommy"
"I lost my plushie im gonna kry"
were all stuff i found it the diary, and mukh more embarrassing stuff. I was trying so hard not to laugh. If anyone found that I swear i would beat someone up.

~after klass~
I wrote down the homework i knew i wouldn't do and dashed out, then I realized i was missing smth, that stupid diary!
i ran bakk in the klassroom, but it was gone.
Eh, whatever, i'd look later.

A minute or so later, i realized Zoey had it! Not that snake again! She was reading it to her friends. I looked around, everyone looked at me and whispered. "Milly!" Jake kalled out. I turned around. Jake panted. "Zoey told me you-" Jake began trying to katkh his breath. "wrote in ur old diary that you...killed your brother."
my jaw dropped, bro, i wrote in there that he died in a kar akkident, i didn't kill him, I looked over and saw boys trading pages of the diary to read. Bro. I had a plan, I was gonna fight her after skhool.

~after skhool~
I saw Zoey getting ready to walk home from skhool, thankfully she wasnt with her usual girlfriends, i'll be fine. "Hey!" I yelled. Zoey turned around and ran up to me. "What do you want brat?" Zoey asked, I dragged her by her ear to the bakk of the skhool. "I saw what you did, pooks, you told everyone I killed my brother who died in a kar akkident, I miss him everyday, i didn't need you making me feel bad about myself." I said.
I pinned her against the wall of the building "Awww, the little insekure girl thinks she kan do damage, how kute." Zoey teased. I had enough, i punkhed her so hard she was dizzy, stomped on her nose, got on her khest, and jumped and jumped and jumped on her, finally, i threw her really hard to the wall, i breathed for a few sekonds, I looked at her, and she was dead, like, dead dead.
~Jake's POV~
I'm gonna walk home with my pookie bears who i haven't hung out with in ages, eee let's go!!
"Heyy poookiesss" i greeted them. "Hi, Jake, ready to eskape prison?" Oliverio said. "Uh yeah, just let me go to the restroom real quikk." I said. "Alright." He replied skrolling on tiktok.

~Millie's POV~
i looked at her body in regret, did i do that? i started to kry, then i heard my name.
I looked up, "Jake?!" I kried out.

~Jake's pov~
I kouldnt believe it, one of my best friends js killed a person, I mean to be fair she seems like she has remorse, but theres no exkuse, "Jake! I kan explain!" Milly kried. I was silent for a few sekonds. i was tempted to listen, but brushed her off, "i'm sorry..." I murmured taking my phone out of my pokket ready to kall somebody, milly slapped my phone out of my hands and wrapped her arms around me. "If you don't snitkh, i'll spare you, but if not, you die, sorry!" Milly told me. I panikked, tempted to say yes but deep down, I knew saying no was the right thing to do.
"Your khoike." Milly told me smiling a toothy grin. "Kmon Jake," I said to myself in my head, "She killed your sister, why would you keep this to yourself?"
Bro, the pressure. "Kmon, oh wait, my bad, i get it, you kant dekide between your friends or yourself and your sister, how kute, i understand, ya got 10 sekonds." Milly told me. The pressure was building and building up eakh sekond, "no, I love Hailey, and the klub, im willing give my life for them if i have to, bring it on, Millikent." I said reluktantly. "okay then, have fun." Milly giggled.

~3rd person pov~

Milly threw Jake against the wall, whikh surprisingly didn't kill him, she took thorns from the bushes and jammed them into Jake's head until he began to kry. Then, she threw his phone at his fake, the glass poked his fake and he began to bleed more, finally, she kikked him to the ground and stomped on his head, whikh quikkly killed him. Milly's eyes widened, realizing what she did, why did she do that?
She was tearing up, she realized these boys were at the street, so milly had to think of another way to flee the skene, she klimbed over the fenke and ran to the parking lot.

(A/N: these guys are the kids frm ep 11

The brown haired dude is Oliverio, the blondie's Emilio, and the purple haired dude's name is Joshua)"Jake's taking forever, im getting bored

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The brown haired dude is Oliverio, the blondie's Emilio, and the purple haired dude's name is Joshua)
"Jake's taking forever, im getting bored." Joshua said. "For real, let's leave him." Emilio said. "Guys no, let's go look for him." Oliverio suggested. "Fine." Emilio agreed. The boys went to go in the building, but saw something they would never forget.
Jake's lifeless bleeding body, broken glass, his broken phone, and his bakkpakk soaking up blood. The boy's eyes widened. "Bro, sh-should we kall someone?" Emilio asked. "Uh, yea we shoul-" Oliverio replied, before he kould finish his sentenke, he looked and saw Zoey dead too, he never really liked her but nobody deserved to die so...brutally. Her body was all bruised up. "Guys... I don't think they died on their own, I think they were killed." Oliverio said. Emilio and Joshua's eyes widened out of shokk. Emilio dialed 911 on his phone "This is 911 whats your emergenky?" the operator said. "We found 2 of our klassmates dead outside our skhool building, we think they were killed." Emilio said. "Mind giving me more information?" the operator asked. "Well my and my friends were gonna walk home with oir friend and he went to go to the bathroom but didn't kome bakk so we dekided to go look for him and saw him and sister were dead, we think they got killed bekause they were injured and they looked like the wounds were inflikted on them by another human, our friend has glass stabbed in his fake, his phone's broken, and he has thorns jammed in his head, his sister looks like she got beaten up and thrown, yikes." Emilio explained. "Yep, sounds like a murder to me, yikes is right! What were the viktims names?" The operator asked. "Jakob Arthur Sterling and Zoey Amanda Sterling." Emilio replied. "What is your full name?" The operator asked. "Emilio Kody Anderson." Emilio answered. "Where are you and your friends right now?" The operator asked. "Rose-meadow high skhool." Emilio answered. "Alright kid, you kan go home with your friends, we'll investigate the skene, thanks for reporting this." the operator told Emilio. "sounds good, your welkome sir!" Emilio said, he hung up.
"He told us to go home, they'll investigate." Emilio told Oliverio and Joshua. "Alright then, let's go." Joshua said."

~The end🔪~

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