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Hey guys! I really enjoyed writing this chapter, and I reeeeeally hope ya'll liek it, well even if ya don't it's the last(probably) that you'll be seeing for the next two months, since in Canuck land, it's summer. So my dad set my butt down on the first plane outta there, and now I'm on a plane to Peru. For you salads who've been reading, I'm sorry, however, if you're all good, you may be rewarded with a future lemon ;D
For now, enjoy this.

(Y/n) paced around her room restlessly. She was torn between wanting to make Mello die a slow painful death and submitting to him.

She had told herself countless times that he wasn't any good. Their reunion at the corner store was proof of that. But his touch, she thought, Oh, his touch! It made the young girl feel like trillions of gorgeous butterflies were floating around in her gut,
threatening to burst out at the feel of his skin.

"No!" She yelled in despair. :This can't be happening. All right, (y/n) calm down. You're not in love with him. I bet that the next time you see him, you'll be absolutely fine!"

As if on cue, a loud knock rattled the door, making the crazed girl yelp.

"Shootshootshootshoot," she thought to herself.
"(Y/n)?" Came a familiar voice from just outside her door," I'm coming in!"
"nononononNoNoNONONONO," this is the phrase that millions of tiny voices screamed all at once in (y/n)'s head.

The doorknob was turning now. In T-minus ten ( the doorknob had stopped turning), nine (the hinges are turning now), eight ( now the door itself), seven ( halfway open), six ( his head is visible), five ( I see him now, he's gonna get me), four (great, he's in my room). Mello then proceeded to move towards the horrified girl before pulling her into a friendly hug.


"Hey gorgeous! " he yelled, turning her to face him.
After her mini epiphany, (y/n) just stood there making a sound that was reminiscent to a cross between a walrus groan and a sigh, cheeks flushed a deep magenta.

"Hey, (y/n), you don't look too hot, you all right?"

More walrus sighing sounds. Only now, they were louder. Not as loud as the monstrosity that escaped her throat when he touched her forehead, however.

"Hkkkkkkkkakaahhhhaahgghhhhh," she exclaimed.

Mello stared at her for a moment before smiling.

(Y/n) almost let another horror escape her lips when he smiled, blue eyes crinkling at the corners, lightly laughing in the way that always made her melt.

"Hkkkkkkkkakaahhhhaahgghhhhh," he repeated, believing that his friend's embarrassment was all a little game.

"... Go along with it." (Y/n) commanded her body.


Soon, the air was thick with walrus-sigh hybrids resonating from our two heroes.

By the time the sun went down and the warm spring breeze turned into a chilly wind, both friends were sitting on the floor, panting. Their throats felt sore and raw.

All of a sudden, Mello looked up at the window and stood up, dusting his black jeans.

"Well (y/n), I suppose it's time to take my leave. It is late after all," Mello said with a sigh.

"Mello," asked a voice.
(Y/n) looked around to find its source when she realized that she had been the one to speak.
Mello turned to look at her with a kind smile.
Crinkly eyes. His crinkly eyes. Her weakness.

"Oi, (y/n), Matt's waiting for me outside. Ya need something?"

Ok think, gotta think, the girl thought desperately. I gotta make this good.

"Wannagoout?!" Screamed the girl, her face barely inches from his.

Mello just stared at her in disbelief. Suddenly he just laughed nervously.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were asking me out!"
"Ehehe, yeah, me too," said the girl.
Why the actual HELL did I say that?!

"All right then," Mello said, swinging his sweater over his shoulder," Sounds good, how does tomorrow at five sound?"
"You asked me out, and I responded to it. So you free at five?"
The (h/c) girl was dumbfounded.
"Sure!" She said sheepishly.
"Cool! See ya tomorrow!"
"Yeah, see ya!"
Mello walked out the door with a smile on his angelic face.

The second he was out the door, (y/n) collapsed on her bed and screamed.
"What have I done?!"

Chocolate flavored Prince(Mello x reader)Where stories live. Discover now