Becoming The Future Hope Of The Universe

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In the blue earth, a long time ago in the deep mountains over a thousand kilometers from the nearest city, there's a mountain peak that is taller than them all; it looked majestic and grand. Yet the focus of this story isn't on the mountain but the small hut beside it. Inside the hut, a young boy wearing a blue gi was on the floor and looked to be sleeping. He was very tiny, making you think he's a toddler. He also has spiky black hair that honestly doesn't look natural in earth terms.

After some time, the boy began to gradually awaken. His black eyes stared at the wooden ceiling above him with confusion. He slowly began to get up from the ground, noticing that he was very tiny.

"Where am I?" The young boy thought. He scratched his head and looked around the hut. He then brought his hands up to his face and noticed that they looked too little.

"This is odd. Did I reincarnate as a child? I feel like that is the only explanation for what's happening right now," he thought.

While the young boy gathered his thoughts, he noticed something shining from the corner of his eye. Turning towards the object, he saw an orange ball with four stars on it. His eyes opened widely in shock. He quickly ran towards the ball that was placed on top of a pillow.

He slowly picked the ball up with both his hands since it was too big for one of his hands, and stared at it closely. Seeing his reflection on the ball answered all his questions. He then put it back on the pillow as he stepped back from the orb.

"I'm Goku," he thought.

He then began to feel the other part of his body, being the long brown tail swaying around his back. The boy, who was now revealed to be Goku, couldn't help but smile, showing his white teeth. He went to the bed beside him and sat atop it.

"Wow, I get to become the Hope of the universe. I'm so lucky!" He thought in happiness.

Goku wasn't going to lie; he was a bit shocked to his core right now, but he didn't think about that. He then saw a pole behind the door, got up, and went over to it. Slowly grasping the pole in his hand and removing the bag that covered its top, he tried to spin it around, but he accidentally hit the door which suddenly sprang open. He went outside and saw the peaceful forest that surrounded his hut. Goku smiled a bit. He closed his door and decided to get around the area. Since he was to live here, it would be wise of him to know every corner of this area. But as he was about to do that, a sudden wave of memories flashed into his mind.

He stood there frozen, seeing everything that had happened up until this moment. Goku already understood that Grandpa Gohan had already passed away, so he didn't feel any surprise when seeing a memory of that incident. When his stomach growled loudly, he heard the loud sound of his stomach growling.

"I need to get something to eat. Luckily I got the original Goku's legendary fishing skills, so this will be easy," he said to himself. This was the first time he heard his voice, but he wasn't startled by the high-pitched squeal he had just muttered.

He then went deep into the forest and stopped by the hill's edge. He jumped down and held a branch before he hit the water below, doing a slick backflip and landing on a rock. The bustling sounds of the river water were really soothing. He saw many fish jump out of the water, but he wasn't feeling like getting the small ones. He began to undress himself, putting his clothes to the side, and turned back as he lowered his tail into the water. The coldness of the water made him shiver, yet he soon adjusted.

A large fish saw this and thought it might be a monkey or cat, so it swam towards the tail. Goku felt the water moving towards his tail and quickly pulled his tail out before the fish could grab it. Seeing the fish that had jumped out of the water, he jumped up and punched it in its eye, which rendered it unconscious somehow. Well, he wasn't going to complain.

When receiving Goku's memories, he also received his martial arts techniques, which he honestly needed if he would survive in this world. He dived into the water and pulled the fish out onto land. He then wiggled his body, removing some of the water on him.

After that, he wore his clothes and pulled the fish back to the hut. He cut some wood and made himself a fire using some campfire techniques he learned from Grandpa Gohan.

Stabbing a stick into the fish, he placed it over the fire as it cooked.

"This is really a big fish. I wonder if I'll be able to finish it all by myself." This was, of course, just his humorous self. He laughed loudly as he sat beside the fire and watched as the fish cooked.

"Should I practice some martial arts while I wait? I need to adapt with this body before I go on an adventure," he thought.

Goku got up and went a decent distance from the fire. He then stood in guard using his instincts; the arts he had learned with Grandpa Gohan were embedded in his body. Right now, he was moving purely on muscle memory. All the tries and fails which resulted in a whack coming from Grandpa Gohan made his body learn everything to perfection. He then began to move, running straight to a tree and sending a couple of punches, which made it tumble to the floor. He leaped into the trees and began skipping from one to another. Goku leaped up into the air and struck the classic Bruce Lee kick pose. He then fell back down and landed swiftly on the tip of his foot.

"That was great. If I keep this up, I'll soon be good enough to go on the long journey to find Dragon Balls."

He knew that the road would be dangerous, but Goku was willing to risk it all for the fun of it. He went back to his hut and found the fish nicely cooked. He took it off the fire and began eating it. After a couple of minutes, the whole fish was done and dusted. He only left the bones on the ground as he burped in satisfaction.

"That was good," he thought.

Goku then put the fire out and went back to the forest, gathering up some wood. It was better for him to have more in case he wanted to make food, instead of going out and getting more wood when he wanted to eat. After he finished, he took the broom behind the door and cleaned the fireplace, also sweeping the bones away. When done, he finally trained again.

Goku took his pole and ran into the forest. He knew that there were many adversaries in nature, and he was feeling like testing himself. This was either his Saiyan blood racing in his veins or just him wanting to get stronger, like the original Goku.

"Alright, let's see what I can fight," he thought.

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