Emperor Pilaf

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As they continued on their way, only a single Dragon Ball remained - the one-star ball. According to the radar, the one-star ball was drawing nearer. They were driving towards the destination without any knowledge of the great evil watching them from above. A beautiful woman with long black hair was staring as their car drove past on the road. She chuckled slightly and reported her message to her boss, who was happy to hear the news. The woman then climbed down the tall rock and ran back to her vehicle, driving off in another direction.

Yamcha was still following, keeping a safe distance so that they wouldn't notice him. He still had the same goal in mind: to steal the Dragon Balls from them the very second they find them all. He was also oblivious to the people spying on Goku and the others.

They drove at fast speeds, then suddenly, a robot came down and landed right in front of them. They crashed into the bot, but it wasn't slightly dented; the car was pretty much beyond repair.

Goku jumped out of the car and used his pole to hit the glass dome. The glass broke and scattered inside the bot. Goku landed on the car and leaped again, entering inside the bot and pulling out a dog man.

"What were you trying to do, you mutt?" Goku asked with a serious tone. The dog shivered in fear, took his gun out, and shot Goku in the face.

"Goku!" Oolong shouted, thinking that Goku was killed. However, seeing him standing tall without any wobble or stumble made him second-guess his worries.

Even Bulma was scared but couldn't say anything as she sat on the floor with pure fear on her face. Unlike the original, she had never shot Goku and saw that they couldn't do anything to him, so she was, of course, terrified.

But Goku held the dog by its collar and threw him far away, then turned back to Bulma with a smile.

"Don't worry, guns don't work on me for some reason. Guess I'm a different breed," he said as he laughed out loud. Bulma got up and hugged him closely. She was happy, but her happiness was expressed through tears.

"Thank God," she said as she cried. Goku patted her back, consoling her. He looked at Oolong and gave him a thumbs-up, and Oolong did the same as his grim look turned into a smile again. Suddenly, a car stopped before them, and a girl with a long green jacket came out, took the Dragon Balls in the case, then went to the dog and took him back with her. She then drove off, leaving them with nothing but silence.

"They took the Dragon Balls," Oolong said slowly as he plopped to the ground.

Hearing these words, Bulma's tears stopped falling. They were sucked back into her eyes as they turned red. She turned back to Oolong with anger and rage on her face, went to the nearest rock, and punched it repeatedly until it broke. Goku and Oolong watched as she went on a rampage - one was angry while the other was impressed.

Then again, a car stopped, but this one had Yamcha and Puar. He had seen the scene from afar and decided to act like they're allies. Bulma turned to Yamcha; she was still greatly mad, so thinking that he was a part of them, she ran towards him and pulled him out of the car. She stared right into his eyes, and Yamcha slowly began to lose color from the immense fear he felt right now. He soon passed out, and Bulma let him go.

"Bulma, calm down. We still have a Dragon Ball. So even if they have all the others, they can't make a wish," Goku said as he came closer to her.

Bulma returned to normal and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, think about it. What's the use of having the Dragon Balls if they don't have the last one, which is the One-Star Dragon Ball? So I suspect that they already have the One-Star Dragon Ball. But I still have my four-star; I took it back when we were on the boat a couple of days ago," Goku explained.

Bulma listened closely, realizing that Goku was right. She smiled brightly and went down to him for another hug, but she touched his tail by mistake. Curious about its authenticity, she grabbed it tightly. This made Goku lose all his power. Using the last of his strength, he whispered to Bulma that his tail drained his power, so no enemies would hear.

Bulma realized her mistake and stopped grabbing his tail. She then came towards his face with a beautiful smile that could melt one's heart.

"Thanks for calming me down, Goku."

His strength soon came back, making him normal again. Goku shrugged his shoulders and said, "Not a problem. Now let's go so we can take the Dragon Balls from them."

Like that, the group was on the road again, this time traveling with the former enemies, Yamcha and his cat companion Puar. Goku sat back with them, keeping a close guard on the duo. Well, only Puar, since Yamcha was still passed out.

They soon arrived at the pyramid structure-looking building. They parked the car and walked towards the large entrance. As they were about to enter, Goku whispered something in Oolong's ear. He looked at Goku with a bit of surprise but didn't question him, as he would probably get smacked in the head. They walked down the path until they reached a dead end. They were about to turn back, but the way was now closed by a wall.

"Dammit, of course it's a trap!" Bulma said in frustration. Yamcha, who was now awake, stayed very far away from her, fearing that she'd go berserk like previously.

Then, a screen appeared on the wall, and a small blue guy that looked like an elf on meth appeared on the screen. With his scrawny voice, he said, "I know you have the last Dragon Ball. Now give it here. Otherwise, none of you will be coming out of here alive."

"Who are you?" Oolong asked in panic.

"Oh, you wish to hear my grand scheme, very well. I'm going to wish for the world to be ruled by me, hahahahahahaha," he said as he laughed, pressing a button that created a dramatic sound in the room.

His cohorts clapped their hands as they watched their master.

"I know, I know, I'm great, ain't I? Now hand over the Dragon Ball!"


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