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Emma took a deep breath the breeze from way up on the Astronomy tower brushes some of her raven black hair in her face. Hogwarts was in one piece, no rubble...no destruction. No evidence of a battle that took place only mere moments ago. The stars where shining like nothing she has ever seen before...completely unworldly. It was in this simple moment completely alone that realization dawned upon her....she didn't make it out alive. Tears pricked her eyes as she thought about Matteo, what she would give to hold him one last time. To kiss those perfect soft lips. She didn't mean to leave him like this, she just wanted to protect him.

She leans against the railing looking out into the vast beyond in front of her. Footsteps break the silence as Emma slowly turns to see those familiar chocolate eyes on her. She takes off running towards him their bodies colliding as his arms wrap around hers tightly...afraid to let her go. Emma leans back from their embraced confusion written all over her face. "What are you doing here" she questions him not giving him a moment to answer. "Matteo....if you're here then...." her voice trails off as he nods his head. "There is no life for me without you in it, love. I told you before that I would follow you into death." his voice filling her with warmth once more. Those lips finding hers as she melts into him.

"There is nothing more pure, nothing truer than love that knows no bounds between life and death." Dumbledore's voice dances around them as they pull apart from their kiss. Matteo refusing to let her go, that was a mistake he would never make again. Dumbledore smiles at the couple as they look over at him with equally warm smiles. "You extraordinary, brilliant girl" he says. Dumbledore has always known this was her ending. Tried to prepare her as much as he could, a small part of him hoped that he was wrong. Hoped that the girl who lived got to truly live....got to have the future she dreamed of. Emma Potter deserved so much more than this life offered her and for a short moment on this earth Matteo Riddle gave her that life.

"You both have given up too much, given pieces of yourselves that will forever be remembered by the ones who love you most. I want to give you a gift." Dumbledore tells them, Emma's brows furrowing not understanding. "A gift?" she asks in confusion. "A gift....a small glimpse into a life that could have been." he tells them. Emma tilts her head up looking at Matteo, those brown eyes already on hers as the corner of his lips tilt into a smile. A bluish white light begins to dance around them as the astronomy tower fades and in it's place was a peaceful cottage nestled in a clearing of wildflowers. The cottage radiated an air of serenity, it felt safe....happy....full of love and laughter. Golden rays of the setting sun cast a gorgeous warm glow upon the home, a sense of calm had enveloped the air as if nature herself was letting out a deep sigh of relief...of peace.

The couple looked on as the brown oak door swung opened a beautiful boy with raven black curly hair looks back at his sister their hands interlocking. The little girls brown hair falling in her face as her free pudgy little toddler hand tries to swat the curls out of her eyes. Their laughter filling the entire space as they watched an older Matteo come running out of the home chasing the small children. "Oh no.....tickleton is about to get you" his voice was animated as he chased them around the field in front of their home. He grabs the little girl as he swings her in his arms "Daddy!" she laughs as they continue to swing while he tickles her little belly. Emma's eyes widen as she watches herself sneaking behind and picking up the little boy tickling him under his chin as he laughs, his nose scrunching as his laugh fills her with a warmth she never knew was possible. The couple couldn't look away, tears falling steadily from both of them. Their older selves letting their children down from their arms as they start taking off in a run again. Older Matteo looks at his wife, those brown eyes twinkling with utter happiness. He leans down to kiss her, her hand stroking his curls before they pull away. "James make sure Lily doesn't go to far!" she calls after her children. "Okay mummy" he calls back at her. The moment starts to fade as Emma caught a glimpse of the boys chocolate eyes on hers, goosebumps spreading all over her body.

War, Love, and Riddle //Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now