16.1 || Bitter Sentiments

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IN THE END, the Elementals agreed to provide assistance, but their 'assistance' came in the form of letting the Soul-Bound stick around and not stopping the dragons from helping them on their rescue. And now, despite Josh's protests, they had a few hours to proceed to the Wasted Strip. Even another Paladin had pushed for them to go early.

He learned from Mateo that the woman was named Eliyana. It made more sense why she had pushed when Mateo explained that Cale had spent a lot of his teenage years training in the Himalayan Sanctums, which was where Eliyana was stationed.

Then Mateo made Josh feel really stupid for not knowing who the woman was when he revealed she was the older sister of Zaina, the little girl at the Sanctuary he often joked around with during weapon combat classes.

Despite both of them pushing, the Elemental Council didn't budge. They argued that it would be safest for the humans to let their bonds fully stabilize before leaving a protected area, and they also didn't believe it wise to rush into any form of action. Giving it a few hours would let them think things through, anticipate things they would need and potential actions they might need to take first.

Everyone conceded to the point. Mateo had elbowed Josh until he at least agreed not to argue about it anymore. That didn't stop him from sitting grumpily on the Meeting Hall's steps an hour later, glaring into the expansive plains stretching out before them.

He really hated these rescue missions. Having to go beat up big bad monsters? That was cake. Sitting while knowing the people he loved were out and about while plans were in motions that didn't involve instantly teleporting the lost ones to safety? He would rather face another one of those stupid reapers from the temple.

If you ever face one of those things again, I will kill you, Boomer said. You're not even allowed to think of those accursed things.

Josh rolled his eyes. I'm just, like, exaggerating. But you know I'm right. This sucks.

Boomer sighed and mentally nuzzled him. I know. It's only a couple more hours before you leave though, right?

A couple more hours might as well have been a couple more days, especially with how overkill the precaution felt. Josh could speak normally to Boomer again. The bond didn't waver when he reached out for it. Also, they'd just be on the back of dragons, where they would likely be safe.

He buried his face in his hands and groaned.

"Well, you seem happy."

Josh turned his head just enough to peek between his fingers. Mateo strolled in his direction. Water dripped from his dark hair and parts of his clothes clung to him in wet patches.

"I thought you said you were going to go relax by the river, not take a dip in it," Josh said, dropping his hands.

Mateo swiped at his hair and a few droplets flew. "That was the plan, but some of the younger merfolk saw me and thought they'd have some fun. I do not recommend having a splashing match against them."

Josh snorted. "I am surprised there's an inch of you dry, if that's the case."

Mateo placed a hand over his heart and faked being offended. "You don't think I could handle myself? How you wound me, friend!" With another shake of his hair, he came to lean against the stair railings. "I notice you avoided my very subtle remark about your grumpy attitude. But you're in luck, because I can guess the cause."

"And that makes me lucky because?" Josh asked.

"Because on my way over here, I ran into Jonathan."

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