Chapter twenty-four: SECRET BOYFRIEND?!

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Chapter art by: @themugster_ on Twitter

TW: swearing❕

[a/n because Karl and Charlie are both around the same hight, and have the same hair colour, I'll refer to Karl as Karl and Charlie as either slime, or Charlie.]

Quackity pov:

The entire ride was quiet, I'd look over once in a while and just see him smiling. At least he's happy, he won the argument after all...

<at Charlie's house>

I saw Charlie looking through one of the windows in front of his house when Wilbur pulled into the driveway, he shouted something and him and Karl sprung up to the front door and ran out. By this time me and Wil had gotten out the car.

"QUACKITYYYYY!!!" They shouted in unison, before killing me into a bone crushing hug.

...guys...I can't... breath—

The two laughed and let go, turning their attention to the brunette standing clueless beside me.

"Oh. Hey... Wilbur, right? Nice to meet you! Are you a friend of Q's?" Karl spoke out, face turning into a slightly calmer smile than before. Still friendly though.

"Uhh- yeah! We are... I think?"

I glared over to his direction, how could he say that?! Of course we're friends! I hope?! I mean we've spent so much time together, sure, he was a prick when I met him but surely we're good now, right? Though, the main thing we've done is eating lunch together, with mutual friends, so maybe we were really just together to see Tommy and Tubbs? But, I just went to his house! For a school project... wait, does he not like me? Is he just hanging out with me to get good grades and because he has to see his friends?! What the fu-

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding, of course we're friends! He was just over at my house for dinner-!" The brunette smiled a bit more, snapping me out of a rabbit hole I didn't want to get lost in.

"Oh~? What else did you guys do..?" Karl said smugly, so I pushed him, okay I nudged him. But not hard, because he just started laughing after. "Okay, okay, well I hope you don't mind if we take 'em inside yeah?"

"Oh yeah no problem man! See ya Q!" Then, Wilbur got back in the car and drove off while Slime pushed me inside his house.

"QUACKITY NEVADAS DO YOU HAVE A SECRET BOYFRIEND?!" Charlie jumped up and looked like he was about to burst a blood vessel.

"YEAH. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" The other yelled and smiled wildly, almost being a smirk.

Woah, woah, what the fuck?! Chill bro he's just a friend... we were doing a project,

Karl's face mellowed out a bit as did Charlie's, but then Karl had a smug look again, "oh you totally like him."

What?! N-No I don't!! He's a prick, sure he's pretty, and actually quite nice, but still-!

Before I could defend myself anymore they laughed super loud, Charlie shouting "ZELDA CAN WAIT! I need to hear more about this boy!!" And they pulled me onto the couch, taking my bag and putting it with the rest.

I managed to scramble into a somewhat sitting position before sighing,

Can I change first? These clothes are stuffy, especially if you're both gonna be hovering me.

The both nodded, and I went to the bathroom to change into something more comfortable. A black tank top and some baggy pyjama pants, I ditched the hat for now. I took a deep breath before opening the bathroom door, just knowing they were gonna jump me when I got out. Here we go...

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