Chapter two

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Flashback: It was Sunday afternoon, about 6 o'clock in the evening, when all the children heard there Mum Grace ring the bell to tell them that it was time to eat. All the children came running into the living room and also the seats to wait for there father SirReginald Hargreaves to walk in and join them. Reginald says " Sit." Everybody takes their seats and starts to either Sunday roast when all of a sudden five stops his knife into the table. Regional says " number five."
Five replies " I have a question." Reginald says " knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during meal times.. you are interrupting Herr Carlson." Bella goes inside fives mind ( please just sit down and leave it, Five you are going to make him angry) but five ignored his sister and carries on with pushing the father. Five says " I want to time travel." Reginald replies. " no." Five says " I am ready I've been practising my spatial jumps, just like you said, see." Five, then appears next to Hargreaves, Reginald starting to lose his patients with five. Reginald says " a special jump is trivial when completed with unknown of time travel what is like sliding along the ice and over is akin to descending blindly into depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn." Five says " well, I don't get it." Reginald replies " here's the reason you're not ready." Five says " I'm not afraid." Reginald replies " fear is in the issues. The effects it might have on your body even on your mind, are far too unpredictable. No, I forbid you to talk about this anymore number five!" do you have a been excused? You haven't been excused!Come back here!" Five ran out the house ignoring everyone as you continue to run. Bella says " Five gone, I can't hear or read his mind dad." Reginald replies " Number eight just finish your food and then it time for your piano lesson with pogo."End of flashback: Bella got a phone call with a number she did not recognise. She answered the phone to her, Diego talking, telling her to come and pick him up from the police station, as he had been arrested the night before. She jumped into her car and drive at the local police station to pick him up and meet him at the police station doorstep. Diego says " Bella thank you, we're your car?" Bella replies " your welcome, it right over they." Diego says " what the hell is that?" Bella replies " that Diego is my car." Diego says " why is your pink? Bella." Bella replies " why not, love the colour pink, you and everyone now that." Diego says " I do now that, everything you had was pink when we were growing up." Bella replies " everything still is pink." Bella drives her and Diego home to find Vanya leaving the house a little bit upset, but Bella remembered she needed to find Klaus because she needed his help with something important. Bella was up to Five bedroom to find him and Klaus talking when they see how they stop.
Bella says  "Five, what go on, Klaus I be looking for you." Klaus says " Thats so... touching all that stuff about family and dad and time. Wow! Bella, what do you need?." Five replies " would you shut up she'll hear you." Klaus says " I'm moist." Five replies " I told you to put on something professional." Klaus says " what? This is my nicest outfit." Bella replies " I was go to see if wanted to come with me but it look like you are busy with Five." Five says " we'll raid the old man closet.."That all  start to walk out if  five's bedroom to go to the old man's to find a decent outfit for Klaus. Klaus replied " as long as I get paid. Bella come with us now ask well."Bella says " what?" Five says " when the job is done. What ever." Klaus says " okay but just so we're clear on the finer details, I just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your dear old dad. Correct?" Five replies " yeah something like that. Bella is my mum." Klaus says " what's our cover story?" Five replies " what? What are you talking about?" Klaus says " I mean, was I really young when we had you? Like 16? Like young and ... terribly misguided?" Five replies " sure." Klaus says " your mother, that slut.Neverat home out every night with some gay. We met at... the disco. Okay? Remember that. Oh, my god, the sex was amazing." Five replies " what a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain." Bella says " really Klaus, that the most disturbing way to put things, five just some of the things he thinks about" ." Klaus replied " Don't make me put you in timeout. Love you Bella really." Bella replied " I know just please don't ever picture things like that in your mind again." They all go and get closet  the outfit and then make the way to the car to go to the prosthetic making factory so Five could get the information he needed with help for Klaus and Bella.

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