The First Meeting.

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Izukus POV:

It was a peaceful morning. I was on top of the church where the bell was, looking at the entire kingdom beneath me. I wondered what it would be like to rule this entire town, but what I had going was enough for me. Being feared and just knowing that nobody could stop me was one of the best feelings. But, I thought to myself,

D: What if I.. did something more, intense?

That's when I got the idea. I was going to steal from the Castle. That place was loaded, I would be loaded. I had thought of it before, but that was when I wasn't as skilled. My mind was racing about things I would be able to get. I tightened my grip as I stood on the edge of the building. I bent my knees and placed my hand on the ground and with all my force, I jumped. I was high in the air, it felt as if I was flying. I tightened up my legs as I landed on the roof of another building. It didn't hurt, all I felt was adrenaline. I jumped from roof to roof, finally I stopped on one, slid down and grabbed a metal bar before I could touch the ground. I swung myself back and forth and finally into a window of my home. And instantly grabbed my belt, already put together with two tiny pockets on the side, and a place for my dagger. I grabbed my crossbow and a few arrows and put them over my head and under my shoulder, including my satchel. I grabbed my gloves, cape, mask, and hood. And went off. I examined the castle from afar to see which way was less guarded and easiest to get into. A few hours passed, and it was pretty dark. I saw a balcony with the doors open,

D: Bingo.

I whispered to myself. I jumped and landed on the railing, making sure no one was in sight. As I went inside I quickly grabbed a few items that looked valuable, until I heard the door swing open. I stood there, looking at the prince. He had beautiful blonde hair, with ruby red eyes. His eyes were so sleepy looking, I didn't really expect anything else since it was pretty late, although his hair looked pretty damp, he had no shirt on, and only a towel covering his lower half. I slightly blushed at the look of him, until I noticed his eyes were very widened and he had this confused look on his face, instantly he yelled at me..


I didn't respond, I instantly turned around and started darting to the balcony, I could hear heavy footsteps behind me indicating he was chasing after me. Unfortunately he caught me. He grabbed me by the arms, put them behind my back and shoved me face down on his bed. Again I blushed because of the position we were in. He was practically leaning over me (IF YKYK 👀), into my ear, he asked me again, this time with a more stern tone.

B: Who are you. What are you doing here.?

Again, I didn't respond.

B: Not the talkative type eh? I'll change that real quick. GUARDS!

He shouted for the guards down the hall. I tried to break his grip from my arms, it didn't work tho. The guards ran into the room, took me down to the dungeon, took my weapons, and tied me up. I felt ashamed I got caught. It wasn't too long tho, the prince had come down, this time fully dressed.

B: So, you come to steal from me? And you really thought you wouldn't get caught?

For the third time, I didn't respond. And I thought I never would respond. Until he got down on his knees, grabbed my chin, and had us both only a few inches away.

B: Are you going to talk? Or am I going to have to make you.

I stared into his eyes, trying to not blush a lot as to make it obvious, and finally answered him.

D: I have nothing to tell you.

He let me go and let out a sigh, he stood back up and looked me up and down.

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