Chapter 2: Breakfast

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( This story has some language, only a little, also starting with my two favorite OCs in this story :3 ).

Boba waited on the couch for a moment while his brother Latte, was fixing him cereal since he was much too young and small to reach the shelf where the cereal boxes had been and patiently awaited his brother's return to the living room, shuffling his tiny paws in such boredom that it visible shown " What cereal do you want? " called a voice from the kitchen, Boba was hesitant for a moment because he was thinking of what he wanted, then replied with " Fruity-fruit loops! " Boba called back as Latte was getting his cereal from the kitchen and came back with a bowl of cereal...and milk? Boba stared as Latte attempted to put it on the table infront of the small feline, " Did you do this on purpose? " Boba stared at him awaiting a reply from the tall feline " ' Did ' what on purpose? " despite Latte staring at his phone  he still managed a reply at least. " Put milk in my cereal, you know I hate milk in my cereal! " Latte continued to stare at his phone, replying with " What am I supposed to do then? Also you never told me you dislike milk in you're cereal. " Boba stared at him with wide eyes with a grumpy expression on his face, " I did!.." Boba accidentally started to snap at his brother, " Well then, I must've forgotten. " Latte replied as he continued on his phone, " Also.. don't snap at me just because I put milk in you're cereal, it's no biggie..all you gotta do is eat the cereal anyways. " Latte said as his tail curled around him and his fingers continued to text and text, " Ugh..." Boba thought as he leaped off the couch and headed toward the kitchen trying to not be seen by his brother's keen eyes. " Fine, if he won't fix my cereal right..i'll do it by myself.." he thought as his steps was rather quiet, as his tail tip twitched with annoyance Latte kept his eyes off his phone for a moment, gazing at his brother heading for the kitchen Latte got up quietly and followed, when he was near he stepped on his brother's tail. Boba felt a little pain from his back and spun his head around hissing, " Ow..! Why'd you do that for? " " can't fix cereal yourself if that was what you were going to do. " Latte let go of the smaller feline's tail and watched as his brother spun his head back around and continued to head to the kitchen, " Is he ignoring me?..Ugh.." Latte thought as he grabbed his brother gently knowing that he gets scared easily, and trying not to startle him. " Hey!..P-put me down!.." Boba started to swing his paws back and forth hissing loudly claws unsheathed, trying to make Latte put him down. " I ain't puttin' you down until you calm down, and i'm also taking you for a timeout. " Latte added as his brother clawed at him, when they had gotten to the couch he plopped the younger feline down on the couch and sat up again, " Where are you going..? " Boba stared at him a little worried expression shown on his face, " Don't tell mom...please..? " Boba quietly mewed as Latte sighed and continued to head toward the kitchen. " I ain't going to, besides..I have to get you more cereal since you don't want that one. " Boba felt a little relieved and continued to wait for his return.

Bird and Lunas walked through so much ever people they had met while on their way to the restaurant up the street not as far form their homes, " We're almost there! " Bird squealed as she continued to walk through many crowds of people going about their day, Lunas was just a little behind panting. " Yup.." Lunas sighed in-between a lot of panting, her tongue stuck out since it was so hot and the sun nearly covered the world with it's heat. " C'mon Lunas, we're nearly there! " Bird called out to her larger friend further behind now as she continued to walk. " Yes, I know.. it's just so hot outside today.." despite the feeling of stopping to rest, Lunas still was continuing to walk as she was starving. " Here we are! " Bird shouted at her as she was still a little behind, " Thank the Stars! " Lunas sighed but secretly relieved to actually have made it as her ears perked at the sound of a familiar voice, " Bird! Lunas! " shouted a voice from behind them, " Oh, Myra! Hello! " Bird dashed over to her for a moment, grabbing her hand and pulling her the restaurant. " This restaurant? " Myra sounded confused, she had never seen a place like this before.. probably because she literally spends most her time on collecting flowers to make crowns of them. " Yessir! " Bird squealed with joy as she and Lunas, plus her new founded friend Myra, walked into the big place with great smells! " It smells soo good in here! " Bird exclaimed, as Lunas replied " Yes indeed, smells like heaven. " Well..let us find a table to sit at then? " Myra suggested. " Oh yeah, of course! " Bird replied happily. " Fuck yes! " " Oh Bird.. language in a restaurant.." Lunas reminded her, as Bird spun her head around with a sheepishly smile. " Oopsy..sorry! "  Myra suggested a table further away from other people, she was a little shy and Lunas and Bird agreed. " I cannot wait to order myself some nice, or even delicious.. breakfast! " Bird exclaimed with joy as her tail wriggled with happiness, " Yes.. let's order. " Lunas replied softly as her, Bird, and Myra stared at the Menu options thinking of what to order, Bird suggested Chicken Strips while Lunas and Myra suggested nice and warm pancakes, as Chicken Strips wasn't even apart of a breakfast option. Bird didn't really care for a Breakfast option, she still wanted only one thing..Chicken Strips! The waiters still took Bird's order depsite it not being apart of the Breakfast section but wanted to at least please their costumers, " want..uhm, Chicken Strips?.. " asked a waiter and replied with Bird saying " Yup! Chicken Strips, pretty please! " the waiter nodded as they awaited their food.

Lycheefruit sighed quietly as he had climbed upon the rather large tree and continued to collect some fruit growing brightly on the branches, of course..he needed a basket of he was going to collect a lot to make Fruitpie! " Now..where do I keep my basket again..? " Lycheefruit thought as he scurried into his hole looking this way, that way, until he had finally found it " Oh, there it is..I must've forgotten about where I had hidden it.." Lycheefruit felt a little embarrassed knowing he had forgotten, but that wouldn't stop him from collecting the fresh fruit that shone in the bright sun. Lycheefruit was struggling to catch all the fruit he had poked and fallen down, but that was just how he collected the fresh fruit, " C'mon...almost there! " Lycheefruit said quietly as he stretched out his arms to poke the fruit but had missed it, it had fallen on another squirrel's head. " Ow! " the voice shouted making Lycheefruit worry, " I'm so sorry! " he stammered before falling down himself as he was too very close to the edge of the branch, " OOF! " Lycheefruit had landed on the squirrel by accident, of course, he quickly dashed up and held out his paw " Sorry..again, I-i didn't mean too.." Lycheefruit stammered again, smiling nervously as the squirrel had begun to speak. " It's perfectly fine, I am not hurt at least.." as it took Lycheefruit's hand and stood up, brushing himself off. " I'm Raspberry! " the squirrel chittered happily. " Oh...I am Lycheefruit.." he replied gently. " but you can call me Lychee. " " Nice to meet ya' Lychee! " Raspberry replied softly as he grabbed the fruit that had fallen, " Here you are! " he said as he offered it back, Lycheefruit took it slowly. " You.. aren't angry? " Lycheefruit replied with a confused expression on his face. " Nah! I had worse, " Raspberry replied as he turned to leave. " Be careful now, and good luck with you're fruit hunting! " " too!.. " Lycheefruit stammered but managed to speak.

Finally, I am done! Done with this chapter, of course. Did you really think I was done with this story? Nahh, I love my characters too much! This took a while, but bye bye great people! :D

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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