⋆˙⟡naturally talented⋆˙⟡

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     Seven years ago

A young girl was on the ice, every jump executed perfectly. She smiled throughout her entire routine, her pretty dress gliding in the wind that she created with her amazing speed. Her jumps made her look like she was flying in the air and no one at the time could stop her. As soon as her routine came to an end, the rink exploded with applause. People threw white roses towards the girl and she caught every single one of them and smiled at the audience. Her name was Y/n and she was ten years old. Figure skating was her one and only love. Her schedule was wake up, go to school, practice figure skating, sleep and do it all over the next day. 

Present Day

Y/n was now seventeen, same girl as before, just without the strong love for figure skating. She still went to practices and competed, but it was getting boring to her. It was no longer about having fun, it was about olympics and trying to complete complex jumps. "Hey Y/n, you were great out there" her coach, Toyoko Tomioka complimented her. "Thank you Tomioka" Y/n replied to her. "You're brilliant, you know that right?" Tomioka said those words almost every day to Y/n. "You sound like a broken record" Y/n replied to her. "It's because it's true, you shine so brightly" Toyoko continued. Y/n just nodded, starting to tune her coach out. 

Bokuto Kotaru 🦉

u coming to the ice rink???? 

"Crap!" Y/n said out loud. "What happened?" Tomioka asked Y/n. "My friends are coming here soon" Y/n spoke quickly. "And what's the problem with that?" she asked her student. "They can't know I figure skate" Y/n explained to Tomioka. "You haven't told them?" Tomioka asked, a little confused. Y/n had been skating most her life so she found it strange that Y/n was getting so worked up. "Figure skating isn't my entire personality" Y/n explained to her coach. "Okay, do what you want. You're done for today" Tomioka said to Y/n.

Y/n rushed to her locker room and threw on some clothes. Unbeknownst to her, someone saw her darting off to the locker room. It was her friend, Akaashi Keiji, he went to Fukurodani with Y/n and was her friend. They were friends, but they weren't really close. 

Y/n quickly threw on her hoodie and packed all of her figure skating things into her bag. She walked out of the locker room and took the subway to her house to drop off her figure skating things and went back to the rink. When she came back, Bokuto, Akaashi, Konoha, Yukie and Kaori were all there.

"Hi Y/n, we were waiting for you" Kaori gave Y/n a hug. "I hope I didn't have you waiting too long" Y/n said. "Don't worry about it Y/n, we weren't waiting long" Konoha reassured her with a comforting smile. "Let's go!" Bokuto said excitedly. The six of them rented their skates and laced them up before getting on the ice. Bokuto was the first one to lace up his skates and get onto the ice. 

"Bokuto wait" Akaashi tried to warn him, but it was too late. Bokuto slipped and fell as soon as he hit the ice. "Oh my goodness are you okay?" Y/n rushed over to him, with Akaashi behind her. Both Y/n and Akaashi got onto the ice without slipping and helped Bokuto up. "Don't worry guys, I'm fine" Bokuto smiled brightly. Y/n and Akaashi let go of Bokuto and watched as he struggled on the ice. 

"Do you actually know how to skate?" Konoha asked. "Yeah" Bokuto lied straight through his teeth. "Well let's see how long it takes you to do a lap around the rink" Konoha egged him on. "Oh really?! Let's race" Bokuto suggested. "Alright then" Konoha got on the ice. "This is a terrible idea" Kaori said. "We can't stop him" Akaashi told the truth. "What if Bokuto gets hurt?" Y/n was concerned. "Y/n, don't worry about me" Bokuto smiled at her. 

Akaashi, Yukie, Kaori and Y/n gave up on Bokuto and watched his poor attempt at ice skating. "Can someone help me?" he asked. "Sure, I'll help you" Y/n spoke up as she skated over to him. Y/n held her hands out to Bokuto and he held tightly onto her hands. Y/n skated backwards while holding Bokuto's hands. "Don't try to skate yet, just let me guide you" Y/n said to him as they glided on the ice together. 

"Oh wow, she's good" Konha complimented Y/n. "Yeah, she is" Yukie agreed with him. "She looks...professional" Akaashi said out loud. "Yeah you're right" Kaori said. "Wanna catch up with them?" Konoha asked. "Yeah" Yukie said. 

The four of them attempted to catch up with Y/n, but she was too fast. "Okay do you wanna try by yourself now?" Y/n asked. "I think I can try now" Bokuto said to her. Y/n let go of his hands and he skated by himself. "Well look at you" Y/n smiled at him. "Oh you're magical Y/n, you taught him how to skate in ten minutes" Kaori said. "It's not that hard to skate" Y/n said. "You make it look so easy" Konoha said. 

"Have you been skating for a while?" Akaashi asked. "I used to love skating when I was little, I would come here all the time" Y/n lied. "Oh wow, you never took on skating professionally?' Yukie asked. "No, my parents wanted me to focus on school" Y/n said. "It's a shame, you would have gone far as a figure skater" Konoha said. "Really? You think so?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, we can tell how naturally talented you are just from today" he added. 

Y/n was at a lost for words. She never told people other than her family about figure skating and this was the first time someone had complimented her on her skill without seeing her compete. 
"...Did I say something wrong?" Konoha asked. "No, no, no, you're fine...thank you for the compliment" Y/n said to Konoha. 

Yukie started rubbing her hands together and Y/n noticed this. "Are you getting cold? We can get out of here and get some coffee" Y/n said to her. "Really, you don't have to do that for me" Yukie said. "Yeah, if you're that cold, we can leave" Bokuto said. "Really?" she asked. "Of course, let's get out of here" Kaori said. "Let's return the skates" Akaashi said. 

They unlaced their skates and walked to a Starbucks to get some coffee. They ordered their drinks and sat down. "It's so nice to actually hang out outside of school" Kaori said. "Yeah it is nice to not be in the gym all the time" Konoha joked. "And isn't it nice to see Y/n outside of school, I swear we never see her" Bokuto said. "You can't blame me, I'm always studying" Y/n explained to him. "Well take a break sometimes, don't burn yourself out" Akaashi said to her. 

"Yeah, you have a point" Y/n agreed. "So when can we do this again, we miss you Y/n" Yukie said. Her face started turning red. "I'm not sure guys, you know how time consuming school can be" Y/n said. "Yeah you're right" Konoha said. "But let us know when you're free" Akaashi said. "I'll keep that in mind" Y/n said. Her phone then buzzed and she read the message.

Toyoko Tomioka

Good job today
Make sure to get some rest

"I gotta go, my parents want me home" Y/n said. "Awww already?" Bokuto asked. "My parents are a little strict" she added. "I can walk you home" Akaashi got up when Y/n did. "Okay, have a good night everyone I'll see you at school" Y/n smiled at her friends. "Bye everyone" Akaashi said as he walked out with Y/n.

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