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"Thank you again for walking me home, you didn't have to though" Y/n said as she walked adjacent to the dark haired boy. "Don't worry about it, it was on my way so might as well" Akaashi reassured her. "Can I ask you something?" he turned to Y/n. "Go for it" Y/n said. "Why didn't we see you at all during our first year?" Akaashi asked, looking for a real answer, both Y/n and Akaashi knew it wasn't because of school. They were in the same chemistry class in their first year and it happened to be and an AP class, one in which the both of them excelled in. 

Y/n was taking a few moments to come up with a response. "You were amazing on the ice by the way" Akaashi complimented her. "Thank you" Y/n accepted the compliment. "You said that as if you've heard it one hundred times" Akaashi pointed out. "Maybe it's cause I've heard it more than one hundred times" she finally opened up. "How long have you been figure skating?" Akaashi asked. "Since I was four" Y/n said. "Seriously?" A part of Akaashi didn't want to believe that Y/n was on the ice for thirteen years, but it made total sense. 

"Yep thirteen long years on the ice" Y/n said. "You must really like it" Akaashi assumed. "I used to be in love with the sport...but things change as you get older" Y/n explained. "I get that, whatever you choose to do, I'm sure it'll be the right choice" he supported his friend. "Thank you" Y/n smiled warmly. Her tone was different from the first 'thank you' it wasn't like one that you say on instinct, it was more genuine and Y/n sounded happier accepting what Akaashi had said. 

"Anyways, we're here, thank you for walking me all the way here" Y/n said. "Oh it's nothing, I'll see you at school" Akaashi got ready to head home. Y/n opened the door to her home and slipped off her shoes. "Mom, Dad, I'm home" she announced to her parents. "Y/n I missed you!" her mother embraced her in a warm hug and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Well I missed you too" Y/n smiled at her mother, whom she shared a great resemblance to. "How's my girl?" her father poked his head out from the kitchen and smiled at his daughter. "I'm fine" she responded to her father. 

"Who was that boy who walked you home?" her mother asked. "Oh that was my friend Akaashi, we went ice skating today with a couple of friends" Y/n explained casually. "Why didn't you invite him over for dinner?" her mother asked. "Why would-" Y/n didn't finish her sentence because her mother was already slipping on her slippers and halfway out the door. Y/n quickly followed her and the two of them caught up to Akaashi. 

"Young man, why don't you stay for dinner?" Y/n's mother offered. "Oh I can't really, you should have some time with your daughter" Akaashi politely declined. "No I insist" she was practically dragging him into the house. 'I'm sorry'  Y/n mouthed to him. "Oh my goodness, I completely forgot to introduce myself, I'm Ayane, Y/n's mother" she smiled brightly at him. "My husband, Akihito is cooking in the kitchen" she added. "That's wonderful, what is he cooking" Akaashi made conversation with Y/n's mother. 

"Oh just some tonkotsu udon, since it's getting cold, you should have some before you go" Akihito said to Akaashi. Y/n was standing there, still trying to process what was going on. She did a couple of spins at practice, but she could've sworn that she didn't lose that many braincells. Never in her life would she imagine Akaashi Keiji standing in her living room having small talk with both of her parents. 

"I'm going to freshen up real quick" Y/n said before heading upstairs and closing her bedroom door. She let out a silent scream and started getting clothes so she could have a quick shower. She turned the spout all the way to the cold side and took a shower in a temperature only suitable for a polar bear, but she didn't mind the cold, it was quite refreshing for her. She stepped out of the shower and few minutes later and felt like she was ready to head downstairs and have dinner with everyone, including Akaashi who was probably still there. 

When she got downstairs, she saw her mother showing Akaashi videos of her figure skating routines throughout the years, instantly making her face heat up. "Oh Y/n, I was just showing your friend some videos of you skating" Ayane said casually. "Do we really need to do this right now?" Y/n asked with an awkward smile on her face. "Yeah, we can do something else, now that Y/n is down here" Akaashi tried to help the situation. "Actually dinner is ready, so we can eat" Akihito said. "That's great, I'll help you set the table" Y/n quickly made her way to the kitchen and served the udon while her father got the plates. 

"So how is school for you?" Ayane asked Akaashi. "School's great, this year I got some pretty good classes and I'm doing well in volleyball" he explained to Y/n's mother. "I didn't know you were into sports" Y/n's father said. "Yeah I've been playing volleyball since junior high" he explained. "That's amazing, what position do you play?" Akihito asked. "I'm a setter" he replied. "I heard that Fukurōdani has a good team" he said. "Yeah in Tokyo we're top four and our Ace, Bokuto is one of the top five in the nation" Akaashi gave the team credit where it was due. 

"Well isn't that great, I don't mean to brag or anything, but Y/n might be competing in the winter olympics next year" Ayane said with a proud smile. It was the same smile that always crushed Y/n a bit on the inside, because her mother never knew the truth. "Okay less about me, why don't we try dad's udon?" Y/n was humble and took the attention off of herself. 

Everyone tried the udon and had the same reaction. "This is delicious" Akaashi was in food heaven. "Thank you, I really tried" Akihito was pretty much patting his own back and hyping himself up. After everyone finished their meal, Akaashi was ready to leave. "Thank you so much for spending the evening with us, I hope to see you again soon" Ayane smiled at Akaashi. "I'll see what I can do, enjoy the rest of your evening" Akaashi finally took his leave. "I like him" Y/n's father said. "Me too" his wife agreed. "Okay, I think it's time I take my leave" Y/n said before going to her room. 

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