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Stepping out into the sunlight, Jessi was greeted by the sound of car horns. Heavy traffic wasn't unusual in this part of the city and initially she walked on without think about it further. When she approached the intersection though, she spotted the traffic lights flicking between red and green rapidly, "Must be broken," she shrugged.

Suddenly the sound of a horn followed by the crunch of metal echoed through the streets. Turning around, she saw two cars that had collided at another intersection. They were quickly joined by two further cars from the adjacent roads as others were swerving frantically to avoid the pile up. Once again the traffic lights were flicking between the various colours, "That can't be a coincidence," the white ranger commented and immediately began looking for signs of the prodgiest.

Almost immediately she saw movement from an alley across the street. Carefully she picked her way between the stationary cars and into the shadows. The alley was a dead end but standing at the far end was the probable culprit, a green scaly monster with various traffic signs moulded into body armour. His head was also modelled after a traffic signal except it was positioned horizontally, "So, you're the one causing trouble," Jessi said to the monster.

Before it could answer, a soft set of footsteps approached slowly from behind. A feminine figure in a black corset with a short skirt and knee high boots, with black hair was walking deliberately towards the white ranger, "You may go Road Warrior," the woman called.

"Are you sure Lady Zonette?" the monster asked.

"I am more than capable of handling one Power Ranger," Zonette replied confidently. As the Road Warrior disappeared into a nearby electrical cable, the lady began to move towards Jessi, "You don't seem surprised that I know your identity white ranger," she asked.

"I just assumed your friend Divatox told you," Jessi retorted, "I'm struggling to see how you two got along."

Zonette chuckled softly, "You cannot begin to understand the Bowzack, human," she spat the last word and summoned a broad sword into her hand, "Let today be your first lesson."

"We'll see," Jessi called on her Zenkai Blaster, "It's morphing time ," she called.

" Zenkaiser"

Jessi morphed into her suit. She placed a gear in her blaster

" Wild ranger "

The eagle Sword appeared instantly and she charged towards the Zonette Princess.

Despite their intensive training sessions, it was clear that she was outmatched by the warrior in black, "Is this the best the power rangers has to offer," Zonette sneered, "have you even used a sword before?"

Jessi struggled to parry a series of strong blows from Zonette and she could feel herself being pushed back towards the edge of the alley. With her back literally against the wall, she decided a change of tactics was needed, "I'm much better with this," she switched back to her Zenkai Blaster and unleashed a series of shots against the Princess, all of which found their target.

The laser barrage staggered Zonette but she wasn't going down that easier, "That wasn't smart," the Princess growled and unleashed a burst of energy from the tip of her mighty blade. Jessi ducked just in time as the attack blew a huge hole in the wall.

Ducking falling bricks and stone, the white ranger spotted a large opening away from the tight confides of the alley. Deciding to live and fight another day, Jessi put another gear into her blaster, " Jet Force, giving her the powers of Jet force the bird themed rangers, she spread her wings and attempted to fly away. Zonette though saw this coming, "No you don't," she hissed, grabbing one of Jessi's legs and plucking her out the sky. With a swing of her arm, she slammed the white ranger brutally into the wall. Before Jessi could find her bearings, Zonette viciously swung her sword in an upwards motion across the white ranger's chest.

The force of the blow knocked Jessi across the alley and into the other wall. The attacks where too much for her armour and her suit disappeared, leaving her in a bruised and bloodied heap on the ground. She tried to get to her feet but her legs were too unsteady and she fell back down, "I admire your fighting spirit," Zonette stalked towards her prey, placing her blade underneath the white ranger's chin.

Jessi steeled herself for the killing blow but it never came, "The end will not come today white ranger," Zonette continued, "I want you to fester in the misery of your defeat as it eats you away slowly from the inside." She lowered her blade and slowly turned away, "Say hello to the red ranger for me," she added before disappearing. Jessi slumped to the ground unconscious as the last of her energy escaped her body.

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