Chapter 4: Tour Guide

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⚠️⚠️ TW: Mention of F-Slur ⚠️⚠️

Y/n's POV:

Peter and I were walking to homeroom when I got a slight headache.

"Y/N!! Y/N!! Y/N!!" I heard Elena's voice loudly echo through my head. Whenever she needed my attention she would mentally yell non stop forcing me to use my telepathy to talk to her

"Why are you yelling?" I mentally said

"Kate and I are heading to homeroom. Are you done with your "tour" yet?"

"Actually we're on our way there too. We'll see you there"

"Anything spicy happen?" She was definitely smirking

"I could say the same to you. Now goodbye Elena" and with that I stopped using my telepathy. I rolled me eyes and started thinking back to the "tour"

Flashback to 10 minutes ago

     "O-oh Okay. I'll see you in a little bit Y/n" Elena hugged me. I hugged back saying bye then Peter and I walked the other way "Try not to stare too much" I mentally said to Elena

"I could say the same to you" her voiced echoed through my head

"Whatever" I stopped using my telepathy, slightly blushing. As Peter and I were walking I decided to start some small talk

"So Peter, tell me about yourself" I put my hands in my pockets. He started walking slower so he ended up walking next to me

"You're gonna think i'm some weird nerd" he said looking at the floor fidgeting with his fingers

"I probably would. To be honest tho, I think nerds are kinda hot" I smirked at the shorter male. He started blushing, a lot

"Uhhh, o-okay. Well I really like Star Wars, legos, and science. Oh and I really like Iron Man. He's basically my idol!" His face lighting up at the last part

"Wait a minute. Didn't the principal say your last name was Stark??" He stopped in his tracks "Are you like... His son?" He stared at me smiling

"Eh, I guess you could say that. He basically adopted Elena and I after what happened in Sokovia. Although I don't really like to tell people or they might think i'm some spoiled american snob" I said rolling my eyes at the last part

"That's so cool! What's he like? Is he as cool and smart as I think he is?" He started bombarding me with a bunch of questions

"I'd rather not talk about him right now" I said starting to walk away

"Oh s-sorry, that's totally fine" he said closely following behind. There was a few seconds of uncomfortable silence

"So you said you like Star Wars?" I looked at Peter

"Uhh yeah I do"

"I've only seen one of the movies. The one with the giant brown fluffy thing that screams as a form of communication" I giggled at my description

"YOU'VE NEVER SEEN STAR WARS?!?" He basically yelled

     "You're yelling." I looked at him sternly

     "Shoot. Sorry. Sorry. We're definitely gonna have a Star Wars marathon tho. Ned is gonna love this." He whispered the last part

     "Who's Ned?" I raised an eyebrow

     "Oh yeah, he's my best friend. You'll meet him during lunch" he smiled

     "What if I don't want to meet this Ned person" I crossed my arms

     "Y-you don't h-have to I-I-I was just-" he stuttered

     "I'm kidding Peter. I would love to meet him" I cut him off

     "O-oh okay. I knew that" he rubbed the back of his neck flustered. I giggled at his nervousness. As we continued walking, I noticed peter kept staring at me *Hmm, weird*

"Okay here we are" he said stopping in front of some lockers

"Oh cool" I looked at my paper for the locker code and there it was. I opened the locker and put all my books inside

"Don't you need those books?" The brunette boy asked

"Oh yeah you're right" I looked at my schedule and took out the books I needed for the classes

"Okay I think i'm ready. Should we head to homeroom?" I said closing my locker

"Yeah definitely, let's go" he started walking off so I walked up to his side. The more I talked to him the more I thought *No stop, you can't crush on a boy you barely met 10 minutes ago. You don't even know if you guys are friends yet*

"Y/N!! Y/N!! Y/N!!" I head Elena's voice loudly echo through my head

End of flashback

     As we walked into the classroom I saw Elena introducing herself to the class *Oh great now it's my turn* I mentally sighed

"Ah and you must be our other new student!" the female teacher said putting out her hand for me to shake

"I'm Mrs. Johnson. It's nice to meet you" I walked up to the teacher and shook her hand. I looked around the classroom and saw numbers and equations everywhere. *Math. Just Fantastic* I took a deep breathe

"Mr. Parker you can take a seat now. Thank you for showing him around" she smiled putting her arm towards what I assume is his desk

"Why don't you say your name to the class as well as something you like to do?" she walked back giving me some room. I turned to look at Elena and smiled. I looked back to my new classmates

"Hello everyone. My name is Y/n, i'm from Sokovia and I like to listen to music, work out, and watch youtube" I said putting my hands in my pockets

"Perfect. Thank you so much you two. You can take your seats next to Peter and Kate." She smiled pointing to the individuals. I looked at Elena and we went to our new desks. As I was walking to Peter I heard more of peoples unwanted thoughts

*Wow they're cute* *Their accents are so hot* *Losers* *No way, kids from Sokovia?* *Faggot*

That last thought caught me off guard. Who said that? I looked around the room and saw a certain male looking at me. He had black hair that was poorly slicked back, an expensive watch on his wrist, and terrible fashion. I didn't know much about fashion but I can tell he knew nothing. I scoffed and sat down next to peter

"Hello Peter" I smiled taking off my backpack

"Hey man" he smiled back. I looked behind me to see Elena and Kate already giggling together *They're so gay*. I chuckled at my own thought

"Whats so funny?" Peter asked. I looked at him about to respond but I was cut off

"Mr. Parker. Please pay attention to the lesson" Mrs. Johnson demanded

"Y-yeah, so sorry Mrs. Johnson" he looked at the teacher then quickly looked down at his notebook embarrassed. As the lesson went on I got more and more bored; like I suspected. After class was over, the four of us met up and walked to our other classes

Elena and I had to repeatedly introduce ourselves to every single class. It started to get annoying after the second time. Finally, it was lunch time

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