Chapter 60: 200,000 Taels

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It was very simple for Ning Yue to get oil. She could just take it out of the space. What gave her a headache was that the oil in the space was filled in plastic oil barrels. If she took these oil barrels out, it would be difficult to explain if someone saw them.

After all, there was no plastic in this era. There were vats made of other materials, but if she made so much at once, it would arouse suspicion, right?

Fortunately, she knew how to make vegetable oil. As for the ancient method of squeezing oil, it was necessary for survival skills in her previous life.

“You can set the price of oil at the market price. As for the raw materials, I’ll figure it out myself.”

Ning Yue thought that there was a stock of peanuts and melon seeds in the space. There was no problem with all the costs. She could have as many as she wanted.

With the problem of the goods solved, the next thing was to talk about splitting the money.

“No matter how much we sell it for, we’ll split it fifty-fifty. No problem, right? Oil costs a lot more than ice.”

“No problem.” Jiang Ying agreed without thinking.

He didn’t have to think about the cost. He just had to arrange for someone to sell oil to get the money. How beautiful was it to be able to earn money by sleeping?

“That’s settled then. Send someone to my place to get ice later,” Ning Yue said. She also generously told Jiang Ying the method to make ice.

“In the future, as long as it’s ice sold from me, I’ll share the gains with you.”

Actually, Ning Yue had brought some seeds over previously. She planned to let Jiang Ying try planting them and see how the yield was.

However, the current situation made her retreat. She did not expect Jiang Ying to investigate her at all, but it was reasonable for him to investigate her. Who would interact with someone they did not know, especially someone of Jiang Ying’s status?

When the victims came to Linzhou, not only did Jiang Ying accept them all, but he also gave them a lot of benefits. In addition to supplies, every family was given five taels of silver. These benefits were all from his own pocket. This was the first time she had seen a prince who had lived so poorly.

It could be seen that Jiang Ying cared about the world. He was also someone who really cared about the people.

She wanted to help the victims and take out everything in the space to distribute to them, but that would be too eye-catching. Instead, it was different with Jiang Ying around. She could distribute the things through Jiang Ying.

However, the current situation did not allow her to work with him openly. When she found a chance later, she could work with him through Jiang Ying.

After returning from Jiang Ying’s place, Ning Yue returned to her room and closed the door tightly. She entered the space to check on the oil.

She took the largest tank of oil and poured all the peanut oil into it. She poured several tanks that way. When she thought it was enough, she went to the freezer again and made a hundred pots of ice.

After doing this, she took a bath in the space with well water.

It was simply relaxing to bathe in an ancient well on such a hot day. She left the space satisfied.

After a while, Old Master Ning came over and knocked on the door. “Yueyue, are you guys inside?”

“Yes, Grandpa. Wait a moment.” Ning Yue stood up to open the door.

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