Chapter 75: Empress Dowager

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Jiang Chi’s status was not ordinary. Moreover, those princes were eyeing the throne covetously. Was it okay for Jiang Chi to stay here?

“Don’t worry, I’ve already made arrangements. Nothing will happen. Get ready. We’re going to the palace.”

Hearing Jiang Ying’s words, Ning Yue no longer insisted. All he had to do was make the arrangements.

“I’ve prepared everything. Let’s go to the palace.” Gu Yu put away his things and followed Jiang Ying towards the carriage.

Ning Yue followed behind the two of them. This time, she was still a little nervous. This was different from meeting the head of state in the modern world.

This time, she was going to meet an emperor who could take people’s heads at will. If things went wrong, she might lose her life. She had to deal with this calmly.

Recalling their true motive for entering the palace, Ning Yue asked, “What exactly is wrong with the emperor’s health?”

Jiang Ying shook his head. “I don’t know. Seven days ago, Uncle Emperor fell seriously ill. After that, he was bedridden.”

“At first, the imperial physicians thought that Uncle Emperor had caught a cold and would be fine after treatment. However, many complications arose in Uncle Emperor. The imperial physicians couldn’t find the cause of the illness, so they could only treat the symptoms.”

Jiang Ying sighed.

It was not that the imperial physicians were not capable enough, but that the illness was about to erupt. They could not find the reason, causing the emperor’s body to grow weaker and weaker.

Hearing Jiang Ying’s words, Gu Yu had some guesses.


“Did the emperor eat anything before he fell ill?” Gu Yu asked.

“I’m not sure. I’ll have to ask the people around Uncle Emperor,” Jiang Chi said.

After all, it was not a good thing to investigate the habits of an emperor, much less an easy task. One might lose their life.

“Master, do you have any guesses?” Ning Yue asked.

Gu Yu stroked his beard and nodded slightly. “I can roughly guess. We’ll have to wait and see.”

The three of them quickly arrived at the palace. After Jiang Ying took out the Empress’s token, a servant appeared and brought the three of them to the emperor’s residence.

The servant knocked on the door and said softly, “Your Highness, I’ve brought Doctor Gu and Little Divine Doctor Ning here.”


Little Divine Doctor Ning? Ning Yue was stunned for a moment. It seemed that Jiang Ying had already told her that she would be coming to the palace.

After a while, a pleasant and dignified voice came from the room. “Come in!”

The moment the door opened, Ning Yue saw a graceful woman in a phoenix robe.

This should be the Empress, right? Ning Yue guessed.

The empress sized up Gu Yu and Ning Yue before her gaze fell on Ning Yue.

Ning Yue was about to step forward to greet her when Gu Yu spoke first. “Your Majesty, where is the emperor?”

Staying in the palace for too long was really uncomfortable. Gu Yu hated this place the most.

If it weren’t for Ning Yue, he wouldn’t have bothered to come in.

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