Chapter 3

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Lmfao sorry I left y'all on a cliffhanger- but anywaysss let's get into the story 😭😂

Y/n's POV:
Wait... Vade!? I thought to myself. I've known Vade ever since we were in middle school. But the problem is, is that we're not really on good terms.. all because of something that happened when we were in 10th grade...

-Flash back-

I was walking to my next class that I had. Ugh.. I hate science.. it so confusing sometimes. I thought as I walked down the hall to go to science. That's when I saw one of my friends. It was Vade! I seen her kind of speed walking to me. I was a bit confused.. maybe she had to tell me something important.? I was just about to say hi to her but then suddenly I get slapped.!?

     I gasped and turned to her looking shocked. "YOU FAKE.! I CANT BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY DID THAT!!" She shouted at me. I flinched a bit by how loud she yelled. "W-what are you t-talking about..?" I asked looking at her very confused and sad. "DON'T ACT STUPID Y/N!! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" She said as she looked at me angrily.

     "Vade I really don't know what your taking about.!" I say as I raised my voice a bit from how confused I was. People were starting to stop and see what was going on from all the commotion. Vade then pulled out her phone and showed me a picture.. When I looked at the picture I saw something so outrageous.. it was me and her boyfriend that she had at the time making out.. I was so shocked I just froze for a moment not knowing what to say. This was all happening to fast!

"W-what! Vade I would never do something like this and you know it.!! That picture is fake!!" I say as I put my hands up halfway in despair. "SHUT UP Y/N! I KNOW ITS NOT FAKE.!" She shouted at me and looked at me really pissed but also like she wanted to cry at the same time.. "IM TELLING YOU ITS FAK-" that's when she slapped me again except it was with more force. "You're such a bad friend y/n.. I don't even think I should call you my friend anymore because of what you did." She says in a low voice and turns to walk away.

   I just sat there surprised. I know for a fact that the photo is fake.. The people that were around us all looked shocked but also started to giggle a bit from what they had saw.. but one specific chuckle stood out to me.. I knew that laugh from anywhere.. Ella.. (if your name is ella I'm sorry. Just pick a different name 😭)

     I turned towards her and looked at her angry. "It was you who did this.. wasn't it.?" I asked as I gripped onto my sweater. She laughed even more and crossed her arms "Of course it was!" She said as she grinned mischievously. "It was really funny to watch actually!!" I knew it was her who did this. I wanted to punch her so badly! But I didn't want to get in trouble so I didn't.. I just continued to grip onto my sweater and started to walk away. Ella laughed from seeing how humiliated I was. I just ignored her..

     Now every time I would see Vade in the halls she would glare at me.. I just really wish that she didn't believe the picture.. if she knew it was fake.. then maybe we would have still been on good terms.. or maybe we would have been fine..

-end of flash back-

     "Y/n? Are you.. okay?" Ruby said as she brought me back to reality. "Huh?.. Oh! Yeah I'm fine.. it's just that I know Vade..!" I say as I looked at Ruby with a small smile. "O-oh really? Well yeah that's who Cj's dating as of right now. Maybe one day we she could hangout with all of us!" Ruby smiles at me, I can tell she's a bit excited. "T-that would be.. uh.. cool.!" I say hesitantly and a bit nervous.

Ruby smiled and went into the living room to go tell the boys about the idea. As she went in there I started to worry.. I honestly don't know if I'm ready to see Vade again... I'm wondering if she's still mad about what happened back then.. I really hoped not, cause now that think about it that would be a stupid reason to still hate me..

Cj's POV:

I was on the couch playing games with Able until Ruby came over. She wanted to tell us something so we paused the game and brought our attention to her. "g-guys you what we should do?" She looked at the both of us. Me and Able both looked at her and wondered what her idea was. "What is it Ruby?" Able asked. "W-we should invite Vade to our next hangout!" Ruby smiles and seems excited as she shared the idea. "Hm.. that doesn't seem like a bad idea Ruby! We definitely will next time!" I smiled back and agreed with the idea.

It seems that everyone had agreed with the idea. I look over at Y/n and seen that she looks a bit worried or sad. "Hey Y/n you good?" I asked her being concerned if she feels alright. "Huh.? Oh! Yeah I'm fine, I just haven't seen Vade in a really long time and I was just wondering if she might remember me or not.. that's all..!" She says with a nervous smile while she reassures that she is okay. "Oh, okay then if you say so.." I shrugged my shoulders a bit and I guess I just didn't think much of it.

~Time skip~

It was getting pretty late so everyone thought that it was time that we should go home. Everyone all said bye to Ruby and started to walk out. "See ya later Ruby!" I waved to her as I was about to walk out. She waved goodbye to me as well. Since I was the last one out I shut her door. I was about to start leaving but seen that Y/n was just walking down the road a few feet away. "Hey maybe I should go walk with Y/n or just offer to walk her to her place!" I thought.

I ran over to Y/n and told her to wait up! "Oh hey Cj. Is there anything you need?" She asked me, stopping in her tracks. "Oh I was just wondering if i could walk you to your place? It's getting a bit dark and I would want to make sure you make it home safe!" I offered while I smiled softly at her. "O-oh.! Yeah, I'd like that.." she nods and returns the smile to me. Hm.. her smile is kinda cute in a way.. wait cj what are you thinking.?? I shake my head a little and started to walk with Y/n.

We conversed with each other as we walked over to her place. It was a pretty nice walk! It was getting a bit chilly though. I looked over at Y/n and noticed that she looked a bit cold. "Hey Y/n, do you have a sweater? You look a little cold?" I say a bit worried. "Oh I uh.. didn't bring a sweater.. but it's okay! I'm not really that cold anyway.!" I could tell that she was lying.. she was slightly shivering. "Are you sure? Because if anything I can just let you use my sweater.!" I say while I gave her a small smile. "Y-you don't have to do that! I'm fine, really!" She says reassuringly.

I just took off my sweater anyway and handed it to her. "Just take it okay? I don't want you to be getting sick or anything like that." I looked at her with a really soft smile while I handed her my sweater. She looked at me and then took the sweater and put it on. "Thanks Cj.." I'm glad she put the sweater on. So now she won't be cold anymore! "Yeah, no problem!". Soon we eventually made it to her place. I told her goodbye and started to make my way home.

Y/n's POV:

I said goodbye to Cj and thanked him for walking me home. We waved and started to walk back to his house I assume. Since it was a bit late I decided to get ready for bed. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on some comfortable shorts. I plugged in my phone and turned off my lamp. I was about to start to doze off into sleep but then I remembered that I had to go get something downstairs quick. So I turned on my lamp again and went downstairs. After I came back, I got back into bed and turned off my lamp once more. I think that I had a pretty fun day today. Sure I may not have done much but it's okay. At least I got to hangout with Ruby, Able, and Cj! I was about to start dozing off to sleep again until I realized... I STILL HAVE CJ'S SWEATER ON...


Author note:
Well looks like you got his sweater now. Hehe 😏
Idk but sorry that I take FOREVER on updating this book. And I'm sorry for it being a short chapter 😰😰
lol but I hope you guys liked this chapter!!
Love ya'sssssss
- Harmsss

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