New Seeker

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That afternoon, outside the castle, the students, gryffindor and slytherin are lined up in two rows with brooms by their sides. Nixie stares longingly towards Harry as the teacher, Madam Hooch, comes down the line. She has short hair and hawk yellow eyes. Good afternoon class. Good afternoon, madam hooch. Good after noon, Amanda, good after noon. Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say, "Up." Harry and Nixie yell up at the same time causing the broom to immediately fly into both of their hands. Wow! Harry states as Nixie raises her eyebrows in mock smugness towards Draco, only for him to immediately get his broom as well returning the look .Nixie and Draco's head's both shoot towards the Weasley boy as the broom smacks him in the nose. Ooh! Harry laughs Shut up, Harry. Ron then seemingly starts to laugh after he recovered. Meanwhile Nixie and Draco are holding onto each other trying not to fall as they laugh. Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end. The class mounts on their broomsticks. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle. 3, 2... She blows the whistle. Nixie and Draco kick off the ground. Neville's broomstick somehow lifts him off the ground. Neville immediately lifts off. He looks quite frightened. Oh... Mr. Longbottom, Neville, what are you doing? Neville... Neville. Nix? We're not supposed to take off, yet. Yes Draco I know i'm not stupid. Nixie hissed as Neville began soaring away uncontrollably M-M-M-Mr. Longb-! AHH! Mr. Longbottom! Down! Down! Ahhhh! Nixie and Draco turned their heads to try to muffle their laughter. Which proved to be unsuccessful once the boy screamed. Help!!! Nixie and Draco were once again holding onto each other trying not to fall as they laughed.Come back down this instant! AHH! He flies uncontrollably in the air and hits a wall, conking along it and then swooping off. All the while, he is screaming. He begins to zoom back towards the group of students. Hooch quickly holds out her wand to stop him. Meanwhile Nixie has abandoned Draco and is sitting on the floor holding her side while he has his hands on his knees both still laughing. Help! Mr. Longbottom-! However, the students quickly stand back as Hooch dives out of the way, allowing Neville to fly right through. Neville goes through the scatter and up a tower. All while Draco has joined Nixie as they both roll on the floor. Ahhhh! Whoa! Ahhh! He zooms past a statue of a man with a sharp spear. Neville's cloak catches on it. He is flipped off the broom and hangs there. Oh. Ah... help! He wavers, then the cloak rips through the spear, and he falls. But his cloak catches on a torch, making Neville slip off from his cloak a second later and fell to the ground. Ow!

As everyone runs to him Nixie and Draco finally manage to stop laughing and catch their breath. Everyone out of the way! She runs through the group, and they scatter. Come on, get up. Is he alright? The bushy haired girl (who's name that nxixe still hasn't figured out) askes. Obviously not. Nixie replied he fell thirty feat suprised all he has is a broken arm. Ow, ow, ow, ow. Oh, oh, oh, oh dear. It's a broken wrist. Tch, tch, tch. Poor boy. Come on now, up you get. Draco bumps her on the shoulder as he reaches down and grabs Neville's Remembrall, which has fallen from him. Hooch begins to lead Neville away with her. Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say, Quidditch. Madam Hooch leaves the field to take Neville to the hospital wing. Drco snickers Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse. Nixie and Draco laugh along with his goons as Harry approaches them. Give it here, Malfoy. He says sticking his hand out. No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. He hops on his broom and soars around the group. As Nixie watches transfixed. How about on the roof? He soars off and hovers several feet above the grounds. What's the matter, Potter? Bit beyond your reach? Finally having enough, Harry gets on his broom, Nixie goes to stop him but before she can the bushy haired girl beets her to it. Harry, no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said. Besides, you don't even know how to fly. Harry flies off to face Draco, ignoring her. What an idiot.The bushy haired girl grumbled Nixie silently agreeing with her. She didn't know how Harry grew up but her and draco were on brooms as soon as they learned to walk so she knows her brother and he is more than capable. Harry is now in the air, across from Draco.

Give it here, Malfoy, or I'll knock you off your broom! Is that so?he taunted Harry makes a dash for him, but Draco twirls around his broom in a 360. Have it your way, then. Draco hurls the Remembrall into the air, like a baseball. Harry zooms after the ball, speeding towards a tower. Just as he is about to hit a window, from which McGonagall is working, he catches it. McGonagall notices this and looks surprised as Harry begins to fly back down to the grounds. The students all cheer as Harry lands back on the ground at ease. They run to see him. As Nixie runs to Draco. Dray, are you ok? Yea Nix I'm fine. He's not though. Nixie turns around to see a very angry Professor McGonagal marching up to them. Harry Potter! Follow me. Harry sullenly follows her. Draco and his goons snicker in delight. Nixie watches worriedly before she also begins laughing when Draco looks at her. Ok im bac- Where's Mr.Potter? Madam Hooch asks as soon as she returns. He was taken by Professor McGonagel he thought- He thought he was exempt from the rules and took off flying bit of an muppet really. Nixie said as she cut off the red headed boy. Ah i see while let's continue with the lesson then. Shall we?

Yo Nixie have you heard? Heard what Matheo?She asked while still walking trying to find the library. The other potter didn't get expelled; he's actually the new Gryffindor Seeker. What? She asked stopping completely and turn to face him. First years don't get on the quidditch team, it's forbidden. Yea i know! Uncle Sev is furious. I bet I mean he would be mad either way but the fact that it's James Potter's son must be hitting him harder than normal. Yup he's actually going over McGonagel's head to Dumbledore because she made the decision alone to allow Harry to be put on the team. If it all goes well he's either getting kicked off the team until next year or he's putting you on the slytherin team. Look I love quidditch as much as the next person but I seriously hope it goes his way and he gets kicked off. I don't want to make anybody mad by being an exception to the rules. Yea i get well hey i gotta go i'm meeting up with tom but we're all gonna have a movie night in theo's room tomorrow night. He said as he turned around and started walking away. Ok see you there! Nixie yelled back before he disappeared from view. Nixie? Yea- oh, hello harry. Hello, are you busy? No, not really why? Can we talk? Yea sure, what's up? Not here somewhere private. Yea ok um i'll meet you outside the gryffindor common room after curfew. Yea ok see you there. Bye harry.

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