Potter Twin Bonding

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Boo! Nixie screamed jumping out infront of harry. Ahh! Harry screamed, throwing his wand at her; as she collapsed onto her knees in a fit of giggles. Nixie! You should have seen your face, it was hilarious. She managed to get out in between her giggles. Yes ha ha, very funny. He snickered sarcastically Stop laughing! He bellowed blushing. I can't! I can't stop! Oh my god I'm gonna pee! Nixie! He whined Ok, ok. She giggled slowly standing up as she attempted to catch her breath. Let's go. Where are we going? My uncle is professor Snape so growing up he would bring us here while he got set up during summer. We wouldn't really have anything to do so we would just go explore the castle and I found this place last year. Nobody knows about it, just me, and now you I guess. She stated as she tickled the pear to get through the kitchen.

Woah, what are all they? "They" are the Hogwarts house elves. They're cool. He whispered mesmerized. Yea i guess they are, come on this way the elves don't really like people in here. Nixie commanded walking through another door. Taking one last quick look at the elves, Harry followed Nixie through the door, before pausing and taking the sight in front of him in. The room was filled with mushroom shaped chairs, moss stairs, a cabin and white gazebo with flowers wrapped around it. Nixie, this is amazing! Harry exclaimed, still frozen in front of the door. Right I'm still cleaning it and stuff but it's really coming together. You did this? I mean not all of it obviously but most of it. Like I transformed the mushrooms into chair's and cleaned the cabin and gazebo but that's about it so far. She said walking to the cabin. Are you just gonna stand there or come inside with me? Nixie yelled from the porch of the house. Snapping out of his trance Harry bolted after her.

How do you like your tea Harry? Oh, I don't like tea. He responded, causing nixie to dramatically turn her head towards him in mock betrayal. You don't like tea? She shrieked Uh,no I never really had the chance to try it and the one time that I did I hated it. I am shocked but I get it. I never liked tea either until I tried this one Brazilian tea that an old friend gave me. It was half lemongrass and half black that is the only tea I drink now. Would you like to try some? Brazilian tea? Yes? Yea sure why not. Good cause it's finished, go ahead and have a seat. I'll be right there. Alright harry what did you wanna talk about? She asked handing harry his cup of tea, before sitting down across from him. It's about our family. Oh, what about us? What do you know?Nixie sighed, placing her mug on the table. I know alot Harry, you're gonna have to be more specific. What were they like? Mum was amazing. Her and uncle Sev used to be friends so he tells me about her all the time but as for dad I don't really know much. Why not? Well nobody in my family really liked him, he was a prankster and kind of a bully. I only really know about him from our uncle moony. Uncle? Harry asked, surprised. Yea our uncle he's really nice but because of my family we don't really talk often just a letter or a visit here and there.

Well, here's where I leave you little brother. Nixie said standing in front of the fat lady, pulling Harry in for a hug. This was nice Nixie. We should do it again. Yea we should. Well i see you in the morning goodnight. He said turning and walking away. Goodnight, Harry, I love you. She said as she turned and began her walk to the dungeons Love you to sis. He said whispering capt draconis and walking into the common room happy to finally have a family. Meanwhile Nixie is debating in her head of what to do. She loves Harry and won't give him up but she also loves her other family, the ones who raised her, and the ones who hate harry potter. She knows she won't give either of them up but she also knows that they are stubborn and won't hesitate to go no-contact with her for a while. Guess we'll just have to see...


Well another chapter up and done things are starting to get heavy. Im also thinking of starting to post either every Sunday or every other Sunday because its to much to try to write during the week because of school. I hope you forgive me for the short chapter but more is coming. Its almost time for second year and that's when we really start to see everything go down. Third year i think is gonna be the most filled year as that's when Nixie and Harry start going at it and Nixie and Hermione get together. How do you guys think that's gonna go fourth year we get presented with a huge ultimatum that decides Nixie's future. can't wait for you guys to see what i have in store its gonna be an emotional roller coaster. However next Sunday we get some more fluff as we get the sleepover between the gang and get to see nixie in her natural habitat. That's it for now see you later loves

Love you

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