Part 10

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By the time lunch finally rolls around, Stiles is starving. Allison is in half of her classes and appears to have already made her way into Lydia's good graces. "She's amazing, isn't she?" Scott pushes his fries across his plate again, so Stiles doesn't feel guilty at all for stealing a handful.

"Slow down, bro. Remember when you had that thing for Amanda Pelfrey in fourth grade?" Scott flushes.

"That was totally different! And you promised to never bring it up again!" he whines.

He takes a sulky bite of his burger and Stiles kicks him under the table. "Dude, I'm doing this for your own good. Allison seems cool," except that they didn't actually know anything about her yet, "but seriously, look – she's already sitting at the popular table," she says, jerking her chin in the direction of Lydia's clique.

Scott manages to tear his gaze away from Allison and back to Stiles. "Is this because of the Lydia thing? You know she's not worth your time if she doesn't think you're awesome."

Scott actually believes that, too, which is sweet and one of the reasons why they're best bros, but not actually accurate or helpful. Lydia Martin is a goddess with an off the charts IQ, and also the reason Stiles knows that intelligence is one of her major turn ons, man or woman. Too bad Lydia likes to pretend to be a vapid Regina George instead of the force of nature she is.

"No, it's not about–" Stiles sighs. "I– Same goes for you, okay? If Allison isn't into you it's her problem, not yours."

The grin that takes over his face is practically supernova. "Thanks, Stiles!" That's when Stiles knows he's fucked.

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