Chapter Twelve

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"Off we go then." Mr. Ruso says once our arms were looped. "Exuse me asking, but where are we going?" I asked trying to sound as polite as possible.

"We're going out to eat tonight. You know, to get out of the house." He replied smiling warmly. I had gone out to eat before, a few times, so I for once was comfortable with something.

Walking out of the building we walked and took our seats in the car. My thoughts from earlier still popping up every now and then. Ignoring my mind I sat in the back in silence trying to not think of anything.

(For the heck of it) EVERYONE ELSE'S P.O.V. 3RD PERSON

"Wow, she looked-" Tom started still looking at the door. "Hot." Masoch finished doing the same. All the men nodded in agreement about what the other two said.

"When did she get that dress?" Nate said emphasizing -that- to get his point across. "I don't know. But it wasn't Angel's. That's for sure." He said everyone looked down remembering boss's, BLEEP. (WHAT YOU THOUGHT I'D TELL YOU? HA!)

She was a gorgeous girl so ripe and young. All the men tried to steal her heart, but only one could truely love her like she loved him.


Angela and Thomas were always good friends. But, it was that day that man went to far. It was cold and rainy. Boss didn't want to take her but he did because she wanted to come.

The deal was going fine. Thomas and Nate kept her out of sight whilst Zachary and Tom handled the deal. Angela sensed that something was off from the beginning, and when they handed the cases over she spoke up.

"Stop! Those cases are empty!" She yelled jumping up. Opening the cases Tom looked up at the man and started yelling. A shoot out started and it was Thomas's job to protect her. He took a bullet in the side and passed out after a while from blood loss.

Everyone else didn't know. Not until the other group's boss spoke up. "You're gonna pay ya stupid girl!" He spat out blood and he shot the gun.

Everyone was too slow to react when they looked at her. At first she seemed fine, then blood came out from her chest and the edges of her mouth. Before a few seconds could pass she dropped to the ground, barely hanging on to dear life.

Zachary got there first. He was the last person to see her alive. After that he wasn't the same. He didn't eat much, if at all, didn't sleep, he had haunted dreams filled with the sound of the gun.

_=_=_=_MODERN TIME_=_=_=_

Everyone had a hard time jumping back after that. Especially Thomas, he lost a best friend that day.

Back to LAUREL'S P.O.V.

We arrived at a fancy restaurant and were seated immediately Mr. Ruso didn't seem to know who I was since he tried asking about my childhood.

Where are you from?
Who are your parents?
Good people that live across town.
Where did you live growing up?

I dodged every question giving vague answers. He obviously didn't care or didn't pick up on it since he sat there quietly.

"Strange strange girl." He would say. Mrs. Ruso would kick his leg, stomp on his foot, sometimes hit his arm if she could.

We ordered food and had a pleasant conversation while eating. Even after we finished we stayed in the restaurant laughing and talking.

Not too long later Mr. Ruso got a little tipsy and Mrs. Ruso had to take him home. "W-we should head back." I said not even five minutes after they left.

"Why? The night is young! Come on!" He grabbed my arm and dragged me out the door, no worries we payed the bill and tipped wisely.

Walking out into the night a cold breeze greeted us causing me to shiver since my dress was strapless. Walking on he suddenly stopped and looked at me. With my arms draped around myself and be back bent down slightly to keep the rest of my body warm in order to stay warm.

Taking off his jacket he dropped it on my shoulders and left it there. I was going to argue but knowing him he wouldn't take it back even if it was for his own life. His stubbornness was a close match to mine, though I could never honestly admit that.

We continued to walk around looking at different things, window shopping a bit, and just talking. "I still don't get how you are so good at shooting, much less why you have a gun." I chuckled and pat his shoulder.

"Me and my secrets. I'll have to warn you though my secrets have proven to be harder to understand than that of any normal person." I said walking past him.

Baffled he shook his head and before following me. He eventually caught up and we walked side by side. I was having fun before I realized how much of a couple we looked like.

My eyes widened at the thought and I casually started to lean to the side keeping a gap between us. He must have noticed since a pink tint made its way on his cheeks.

We walked in silence for a while, not that -what should I say- or -this is totally awkward- silence but a nice relaxing one that made it seem all so surreal.

I've never had so much freedom before. The only time I went out into town was to go to 'meetings'. Not to go shopping, or to runaway from my problems.

Which reminds me of the man I shot. I felt bad for taking a life but after some research I learned how bad of a man he was.

He wasn't married, though he was once engaged but when the woman saw the true side of him she ran off and back to her home where she once resided before running off.

He had no kids, at least none that I could find. He hated kids according to one of his close friends, I don't know how he had friends to be honest but one mustn't meddle with lives.

He was also a hermit. Never coming out of his home unless hungry, or summoned by the mafia to pay his debt.

He once had money, enough to pay the bills and taxes and still be able to buy anything he wanted. He had a couple people cross him, that's where Zachary came in, and that's where he began to show up short on money.

With no money he retired from his job leaving him with even less money. Of course he couldn't pay which led to that day, the day a trigger was pulled. A life for a life.

I had gotten over his death and learned to live with my mistake. One less horrible person in the world. I would think before I snapped out of it.

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