Vol. 2 - The Falling Star

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/N: Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. Classroom of the Elite belongs to Shougo Kinugasa. Bungou Stray Dogs belongs to Asagiri Kafka. I don't own three of the series since both of them belongs to their respective owners. Other Anime characters also belong to their respective owners.


Volume II

The Falling Star

As Kushida, Atsushi, and Kei arrive on the construction site, they can't help but awe by what they just seen. Lucy not following them as she returns back to her dorm room, not wanting to take any part at all.

'They truly defeat her!? W-What kind of monsters t-that I see?' Kei thought in amazement and fear as she looks at some scratch on the site cause by the battle.

"So I see the four of you manage to beat her?" Atsushi asked Mio who's still awake. She decide to stay to fix up the place as Itachi and Ryuuen help Masumi carries Sumireko, Honami, and Suzune to infirmary.

"Yeah. I must say her Special Ability quite annoying though." Mio said with a smile before turn her attention toward Kushida. "As for your parents, I don't know how but it seems their assassination was failed so you can rest assured."

"I see." Kushida felt a great relief and walk pass Mio before stop. "I... T-Thank you. Said that to Horikita-san, Ichinose-san, and Kamuro-san as well." She said before quickly walk away from the building.

"Hmph. So she can cry as well?" Mio wondered as she not witness Kushida's breakdown yesterday.

"It's okay Mio-chan. She... Been through a lot yesterday." Atsushi informed her as Akutagawa finally arrived on the scene. Wearing his poker face, he then looks at the surroundings of the construction site before look at Mio.

"I apologize for being late. However, as the head of the Discipline Committee I thank you for taking care of Sumireko Hanabusa." Akutagawa said, thanking Mio.

"No need to worry Akutagawa-senpai. However, it seems you need to take care of the rest." Mio said to him.

"Of course. However, when you already healed enough, take three of your friends who defeated Sumireko Hanabusa to our room. I want to hear every detail of the event." Akutagawa ordered her.


"Uuh..." Sumireko grunt in pain as she open her eyes. 'Where... Am I?' She thought in dizziness as she tries to process everything around her. However, she remembers what happens to her. 'So... I'm lost against those four...' She thought in disgrace instead of anger. 'Damn it...'

"I suggest you don't move, Sumireko." Sumireko look to her right and see Itachi is watching over her with stern look on his face. "It's been a day had passed since you're unconscious. Currently is Monday. As for the subjects no need to worry, Dazai-sensei already take care of it." He said as he close the book that he's reading. "For precautions, Kakeru and I decided to remove all of your mechanical limbs... In case you try to do something."

"From your tone... Seems you already suspicious of me since a long time." Sumireko said with no signs of strained tone, signaling that she's already healthy despite being unconscious for a day. "As for my limbs-"

"Indeed. I already cautious of you when you lower your score during the mid-term. Plus the fact that you seem hiding your true strength for a reason I won't pry for now." Itachi revealed, which make Sumireko just open her mouth. "After you're healthy enough, prepare for a trial by the student council. We'll go against Kushida and the others that you threatened so pick your choice of words carefully. As for your limbs, I'll return it when you already healthy enough." Itachi then stand up from his seat and head to the exit but not before said something which shook Sumireko. "You shall look deeper at your true self. Trust me, the longer you proclaimed that you're the best survivor without once look at yourself who replace your own limbs with mechanical one... The deeper you'll lose true worth of your own." He said as he leaving the infirmary, leaving Sumireko inside her own thought.

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