The Cruise (Part 1)

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Caroline POV

I woke up around 5 still wondering how I get up this early, maybe I am used to it, because of my parents. Hmm. Anyway, I got up so, I can get ready for the day, since at 10:15 A.M. The cruise will be off to Hawaii.

I was nice enough not to get everyone up at 6 A.M. So, I made breakfast for them before I woke everyone up, with the blow horn. hehehe. I marched upstairs with my blow horn at my side. I blew it. I heard groans and grunts.


"We're coming jeez woman." Someone said.


They all came down here sleepy, course this is the usual.

"Okay, first, we're going to stretch. 10 Jumping jacks. 10 second arms flex that means both arms. 10 toe touches. 20 second planks. 20 mountain climbers. Ready and Go!" I said.

I did it with them so they know what it the arm flex and planks are.

"Now we need our push-ups. Let's just do 5 for at least right now." I said.

After the push-ups.

"Now we get to do laps, so Ty pick a number between 3-10. " I asked Ty.

"Um. 5." Ty guessed.

"Okay now 10 laps let's go."

They were running most of them, probably afraid that I will yell at them.

After we got done, we ate our food.

"Okay, now Mitch, Jerome, and Lily you are dismissed for now, but you have to pack up get ready. As for me I packed this morning. For the rest of you, you get to choose. Either you can relax, or you can run 5 laps." I say.

They don't have a choice though, am I mean? No, I could be meaner.

"Okay, now let's move it, people. " I say.

I practically pushing them, out of the door. We ran the laps, now before I go since I have been a p.e. Teacher. I am going to prepare a foot thingy so it won't hurt bad. I am just going to put there feet in pretty smelling water. That will smooth your skin.

I got back inside. I heard Jerome say. " Mitch, why is your girlfriend making us exercise and or torturing us?"

I saw them sitting on the couch, not that I am mad at them, well, Jerome was pushing a button of mine. I didn't like it. I just waited to see what else he has to say. I gave everyone a 'shhh' motion to see if he noticed anything.

Jerome continued, " What do you have to say about it, it is like school p.e. All over again. It is torturous. She is right behind me isn't she. "

He turned to see my face and my eyes giving him a deadly stare. He gulped.

"Let's go Mitch, Lily, and Jerome, 5 laps outside NOW!" I said in a clam voice, yet demanding voice.

I ran outside, but before they went in.

"Mitch, Lily, you are free, but as for Jerome here, he will be staying with me for a little bit longer."
I say in a sweet yet non-killing voice.

"Jerome, good luck, and Caroline, please try not to kill him." Lily said.

"Fine, I won't I wasn't planning on it anyway." I said in another sweet voice and innocent voice.

"Biggums, I wish you luck." Mitch said in a clam voice.

They left. I looked at Jerome to see he was a nervous reck.

"Jerome, let's jog while I explain this to you." I say.

We began jogging around the house.

"To answer your question, I am doing this for everyone here, because I know that you know how crazy fans could get so by saying this, I am training all of you guys to get away or from fans at least the stalker ones. Okay, I am doing this because fans will run after you, chase you, everything, but I know that at least some will be fit, that is not the point. If you're trained to run, you won't be as warn out as they would be, plus you would be faster then any of them. That is why a lot of YouTubers exercise." I explained.

"Oh, okay, but seriously do you have to be so demanding?" Jerome asked.

"Well, if I am not then I won't get the fear, or get you off your lazy ass with the others too." I said.

"Yeah, I get it though all you have to do is not cook food and we will be begging you to cook again." Jerome said.

"Yeah, I know, but that is my gift to everyone." I said.

We finished our talk. I didn't feel like doing the foot bath. Even though I should do something. Oh, I got it, I will make a snack for everyone.

After the snack I made. We just hanged out for two hours. I put Ian in charge of getting up early and exercising.

Well, I couldn't really pick anybody else.

Soon, time flies by. It is time to hit the road. We got everything packed and ready. Before, we said our goodbyes to everyone. I said to Adam. " I better see improvement from you especially for push-ups.Also, I'll miss you, so this is goodbye for now. " I said trying not my tears to fall.

Next, was Ty. I said, " Okay, Ty, I want you to improve your skills as well, so this is goodbye for now."

Next, was Quentin. "Okay, now for you, I want you to improve your arm flex and mountain climbers. So this is goodbye for now."
I said.

Next, was Ian. "Okay, now for you, I have a list for you on what to do, I want you to make sure they're kept on track, also don't let them pressure you into not letting you be the captain of the fitness thingy, then call, I'll be sure to yell/scream at them for not doing what they have being told to do. So this is goodbye for two weeks." I said.

Next, was Jason. "Okay, Jason, while I'm gone, you are going to cook, so there are cook books and or instructions in the cupboard with medicine. So, this is goodbye till the next time I'll be over.

We all finished saying goodbyes. We headed on the cruise ship, and waved at the people below us not going on the trip.

We sailed off, Everyone was going to look to see what room they've got. So we are just looking around. Seeing where the pools, the spas, the lobby,the shops, and restaurants.Then, we went and asked where our rooms are.

We got to our rooms, to settle in, and stuff. Like that we saw Jake and Zoe. So, yeah it was fun, we were all hanging out till I saw her, Sophia, aka my bully.


Hey guys sorry for no update in a long time so, I hope you like the chapter.
Follow (if not done so).

PEACE OUT XOXO❤️❤️❤️😄😄😄😝😝😝

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