Chapter 7 - A new interest

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 "As long as you can find yourself, yOU Will..." The bedroom was engulfed in sudden silence as the CD player went quiet, as early morning broke, sunrays were filtering through the shattered window onto the walls, filling the room with a warm orange hue. In the centre of the room was a creature fast asleep, its rough textured body contasting the soft pile of pillows and blankets it lay on.

The creature's head was slightly splayed open, the segments relaxed, while sitting infront of its face was the small silver-plastic CD player that had just stopped.

The plate closest to the CD player twitched, before they all shifted slightly. The razor sharp mouth hung ajar, before closing as the creature became concious once more. It lay there for several minutes, its mind was still foggy from its rest, only realising that it was the first time it had slept in over a week. In its haze, it tried to recall what relaxed it so much so it dropped its guard and fell asleep. Sleeping in a human occupied area, foolish. It jided itself, looking on at the very much open door to its bedroom. Fool!

It sat upright while the plates encased the vulnerable flesh inside. The creature was making its way off the pile when a sudden clack rang from the floor a metre away. The creature nearly leapt with fright, expecting an intruder having snuck through the doorway while it was exposed. The creature carefully extended its hand, being completely blind as it didnt want to risk opening its plates enough to 'see' what made the sound.

It relaxed once its fingers pressed against a familer plastic object. The human voice maker. The creature picked it up and held it, studying it aimlessly as it thought over the events of what it assumed to be yesterday.

Human tricked me with device, I kept it and even fell asleep to the sounds it made... This could of all been the humans plan, and I would have been killed in my sleep... The creature felt shame and guilt, grabbing the device in a tighter hold, getting ready to smash the device, but it hesitated, its hands not wanting to form the grip strong enough to cause it damage.

Why do I hesitate?! Why do I feel conflicted?! Why?..

The creature sat there as the moments passed by, holding the device and staring at it, fidgeting with the buttons. I feel enraged by this device, but something inside me doesn't want to see it destroyed. Something within me...Wants to keep listening.

It sighed and stopped fidgetting. Why did it stop talking to me? Is it waiting for me to say something? The creature tapped the device, but nothing happened. Or did it truly die?

The last thought lingered in its mind as it rested against the wooden frame of the bed, flinching as it made a slight creak, but relaxing. Maybe the other device kept this one alive? It had a heart beat afterall.

The creature leant to the right, and felt around before finding the loose wires and chess clock, before placing it infront of it, carefully inspecting it.

It traced its finger around the top and edges, feeling the hollow plastic, as it brushed over first button ontop. A clunk sounded, adding to the creature's curiosity as it found another button on the otherside, pressing it resulted in another clunk.


A while passed as the creature finally placed both devices to its left and stretched, having been bent over for quite some time. The creature felt its chest, noticing it is sinking in more then usual. I have not eaten in over three week, even after slowing my metabolism, I need to find something. The creature began to walk down stairs as it thought of its options. Humans were a plentiful supply to my brethren, so much so they wasted them, leaving nothing for me but rotting moresels. My senses are limited, but I can taste the acrid air just walking by them.

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