Chapter 14 - A hot meal

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Chapter 14

"Um, Arty. I am not so sure about this..." John said as he bit his top lip, watching Arty drag a lifeless deer carcass along the footpath to the house, the alien paused to look up at him questioningly. "I deeply appreciate you hunting and getting it for me, but I don't know how to butcher a deer," John said as he rubbed the back of his head as he stepped down from the porch's steps and stood before the two.

Arty dropped the hind legs of the deer and looked back to John expectantly. "No no, I mean I can't eat this as is. I have to cut up certain portions and then cook it, otherwise I might get sick." John said, trying to motion a blade with his right hand. Arty tilted his head to the right, still not understanding.

John shifted a bit, not meeting the creature's supposed gaze. "Well I do know how to butcher, in essence, sort of. I'm just squeamish, I don't like blood or guts, just the final product being cooked meat." Arty looked on confused and back towards the deer.

"I'm sorry, I should've-" John was interrupted by Arty's loud click, he pointed towards the deer and did his best to mimic the cutting motion that John did earlier. "Yeah, I need to cut a special part of the deer, typically rump." John circled the approximate and made a sign to rough depth, before shivering as he saw the creature's broken neck. "A-again I cannot cut, nope, no no no." John winced and turned away.

The creature clicked softly a few times, prompting John to return his gaze. Arty made the cutting motion again to where the typical prime cut would be made, John shook his head and felt himself a bit irritated. "As I said, I just really can't cut the deer, I'm sorr-" John was cut off by a click from Arty who was now pointing to himself before he made the cutting motion.

"Oh, you will butcher the deer. But you shouldn't have to, you have already..." John was cut off instead by a raised palm, a surprisingly human gesture which added in making John stop continuing. "Alright, no objections from me. Thank you Arty." John nodded to the creature and it returned the gesture before signalling inside, John took it as 'go inside' and turned back around and made his way across the small footpath, seeing no issue in getting away from what was about to ensue.

"It's funny that Arty has both got me a deer and is currently butchering it, whatever final quality it may be, he is a surprisingly generous host. Way more generous than another person for that fact." John chuckled to himself as he lay across the lounge room's couch and stared at the wooden floorboards of the ceiling.

"Side note," John said aloud. "What the heck is up with this house? White porcelain tiles on the floors, but a fully rustic wooden ceiling and walls? The wood is that roughness where if I brushed my hand along it, I might get a splinter or two. I'm no architect but that is just plain strange." John's musings were put on hold as he heard a few clicks from outside.

John looked down at his watch and his eyes widened. "My goodness, he was only 10 minutes. Though I wonder what that will say about the end result, who cares really at this stage, its either steak or its mince." John nodded to himself as he rolled off the couch, landing on all fours before standing up and walking to the front door.

"Oh good heavens." John gasped and turned away at the sight he saw, on the footpath was a mutilated deer, appearing as if Arty had devoured a significant portion of it. The smell of blood was thick in the air, adding to John's displeasure but he did his best to be polite and he turned back around.

Arty was holding a thick lump of meat, it still dripped blood and looked pretty decent for a cut, it of course was a bit mangled in parts, but it was a solid piece nevertheless. "Wow, for only using claws that looks really good, thank you." John remarked with a smile, but it faded as Arty held his hand out stretched, over the deer for John to collect it.

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