Little Black Dress

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Little Black Dress by 'dead_dreams28' on AO3


Clubbing, Anal Sex, Smut, bxb - Freeform, Gay Sex, Boss Harry, Top Harry, Bottom Louis, fem Louis, Dom Harry


Based on the song 'Little Black Dress' by One Direction

Work Text:

Loud music pulsed through the club as Harry walked out of his office. As the owner of the well-known club '17 Black', he was here often, working to keep everything in order.

He walks down the stairs and heads over to the bar, needing something in his system after all the paperwork he just filled out.

"What can I get you, boss?" Niall, his best bartender asks.

"My usual please," Harry tells him, before looking away towards the dance floor.

Bodies upon bodies move together to the beat. Skin against skin, sweat forming on many as everyone looks like they are in ecstasy.

Harry always loved watching people let loose like this. It's one of the reasons he opened a club. Having a place for people to go when they need to have fun and leave all their worries behind at the door.

The club was like a baby to him, and he made sure that everyone and everything in it was taken care of.

"Here you go, one Old Fashioned" Niall's Irish voice rings out from behind him, making him turn to look at the blonde lad.

"Thanks, Ni," Harry says, taking the drink and setting down a $50 bill, "Keep the rest as a tip, you deserve it"

Once Niall walks off to help another customer Harry brings his drink up to his mouth, taking a sip. The burning sensation of the liquor rolled down his throat as his eyes roam the club some more.

When he finishes his drink he sets the empty glass down on the bar. He looks towards the front entrance and sees Liam, one of the club's bouncers, walking through the doors.

Harry walks over to him, "Hey Li, you taking your break now?"

Liam turns to look at him and nods, "Yep, Zayn said he's got it covered for the next 30 minutes"

"Sounds good. Don't forget to get something to eat. I know you forget sometimes while on your shift" Harry reminds him.

He always made sure his employees were looked out for as he knew that without them his business wouldn't be as successful.

"Will do, boss" Liam says, walking away and to the break room.

Just as Harry turns and starts to walk away from the entrance door, a body collides with his, knocking his breath out a bit.

"Shit, Sorry, I didn't see you there" an angel-like voice speaks as Harry regains himself.

He looks down and sees a pair of beautiful blue eyes already looking up at him. Harry looks the boy up and down, seemingly in a trance at the beauty that stands in front of him.

The boy is a few inches shorter than him and is dressed in a little black dress that shows his figure perfectly,

"No, no, it was my fault, I wasn't watching where I was going. I should be the one apologizing, not you, love" Harry says, trying not to show that he was staring, "So, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, are you?" The blue-eyed boy asks him, cheeks tinting red at the nickname Harry used.

Harry smiles, "Definitely"

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