part 4

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Leland pov: it just dosent fell right having to sleep alone without Ruby laying here in bed without me and sure I'm acting like I'm not worried but I'm the most worried that I've ever been I should just go out there and start looking for her I managed to wake up wich I didn't have much  sleep because I'm still worried about her anyways I get up and go shower and go get ready for work and u drive too work skipping breakfast not felling up to eatting anyways I walk into work and  my dad comes in and says that we got a jump today and Duane Lee asks her what's her name and I then see the mugshot of her and I froze my knees locked to I'm in shock surprised and little hurt

Ruby pov: I feel so bad and horrible for ingnoring and not telling Leland about everything I wanted to tell him but I just couldn't tell him he wouldn't understand nobody ever dose and nobody ever will I've been anywhere I can be without being seen by the cops specifically I'm curently in a bunch of giant bushes it hides me very well but I know that I have to keep moving so that I don't get caught you see I have this really bad  ex who's toxic manipulative verbally and physically abusive psyco and he's a cop hanging out with him got me into trouble I was supposed to have a court date but got told it got switched to a later date well it didn't and it caused me to miss the court date and it's all his doing and I'm positive about that wile he says he hates my guts he can't stay away from me he always has to have me so I know that he played his dirty tricks so that he can find me and since he is a cop I don't know wich cop car he's in so I avoid all of them I know that it only makes it worse for me and my case  but he always terrifies me I grabe my phone and wallet and put on my white jacket hood up and I look out of the bushes too see if there's any cops around wich I see none so I then walk out onto tge side walk of the quiet  neighborhood

Leland pov:
Ruby is a fudgitave how when none of these makes sense at all she dosent seem like a fiudgitave her charges where being in possession of a small baggy of coke wich is in the notes that she never consumed or had any in her system but apparently she missed court and now she is wanted fuck if this couldn't get any worse we all get suited up and say a quick prayer before loading up the cars I stood back a bit just so deep in thought Duane Lee asks "hey bro what's up? Are you ok? Snaping me out of my thoughts I whimpered a little bit how do I tell my brother my fucking girlfriend is his client wich is now our fudgitave wich I just rembered we aren't even labeled yet what are we I groan running my hands down my face and my hair "Leland talk to me please what is going on? He said on a worried tone
"Duane Lee our fudgitave is the girl I like im in love with i havent heard from her in days shes not home I go by her house every night and shes not there how can she be a fudgitave shes sweet nice gental person I know ive ever seen and met" I said in confusion and in anger showing his face was shocked he looks at me with raised eye brows "dude are you serious" and I just nod my head "Boys let's go" Beth said too us and we go and go to the cars we look at each other before he gives me a sympathetic look and pats my shoulder for resurance we get in the cars and pull up to her house after going in her house seeing that she's not there we go and drive to where someone said that they last saw her and we see a woman walking down the street I look back since her hood is up its her it's Ruby its my princess "it's her that's her" Beth booms from her radio both cars stop and I quickly get out and go chase her around the corner I'm not losing her agian "Leland" Beth calls out for me but I keep on going trying drastically to close the gap between me and Ruby dam she's fast she rounds the corner and cuts across the street then runs down a alley and I push myself faster
"Ruby stop" I call out to her she stops and slowly turns around panting I stop looking at her panting too "Leland?" She asks in disbelief  I smile nodding my head opening my arms for her she runs into them hugging me tightly I do the same too her pulling her as close as I can hearing her crying softly I pet her Gaurav wile whispering to her sweet notings into her ear fuck I've missed her so much I missed how she felt in my arms I've missed the radiation off her body I missed everything about her "Leland I'm so sorry" she cried "I'm sorry I ran away" "it's ok princess" I said petting her hair "but whats going on whyd you run away why haven't you called me baby" "because I" she looks at me then stopped and pulled away from me and looked entirely at me I looked at her confused "so your one of them?" She asks me "uh one of who I asked back "your a cop she asked" "no I'm a bounty hunter I'm on the same type of spectrum tho" I take a step closer to her and she takes one back just then I look back and see the cars pull up at the end of the alley way I then look back at Ruby and she shakes her head looking panicked and sad and pained and she walks back wards away from me "no wait" I pleded "Ruby please don't go" I say as she takes off running "go get her Leland" I heard Beth call out but I froze I just watched Ruby turn from out of the alley my heart is breaking more than it already has "Leland whyd you let her get away" my dad asked looking at me his face changed to concern as I still look ahead where I last saw Ruby she dosent trust me anymore shes gone...

Ruby pov: ong I can't belive Leland didn't tell me and he betrayed me and it hurts me and I know that it hurts him but I can't trust him right now I'm gone and don't know where I'm gonna go yet honestly I know that he didn't mean to hurt me but he did still and I cry a little to myself and get ready to run and go wherever I have to go to save myself and do all that I can do I can't go to jail for one stupid mistake and my ex did tell me and lied to me and I'm so pissed off at him and I run off and hide agian without nobody knowing I go to this store buy hair dye and ask to go to te bathroom do a new makeup look and then dye my hair in the bathroom and yes I payed with cash and then I leave the bathroom and the store and I go and run off agian

I hope you like this part//

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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Ruby Greenberg x Leland innocent or guilty or was it wrong place wrong timeWhere stories live. Discover now