Chapter 2

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I WALK TO HOMEROOM with my three best friends Seth, Dennis, and Victoria. Thank the Gods that we're all in the same homeroom. I bet you noticed I said 'thank the gods'. That's because late this summer, everyone found out about the Gods existence, which I found suspicious. I did some research, and it said that if people stop believing the Gods, the Gods would die. Like how the Ancient Greek God Pan faded in the olden days.

So some people must've know. About the Gods otherwise they would've faded sooner. But who cares, they've proven their existence. They just haven't told us why they tell us now. It is kind of a random timing to say, 'Hey guys we've been alive for the past few thousand years.'

Dennis opens the door to Mr. Blofis's classroom, and all four of us walk in together. I look around trying to find a group of four desks for us to sit in, preferably towards the back. That's when I see him.

"Percy!" I nearly scream at the top of my lungs. He looks up and sees us.

"Hey guys." He says smiling.

"Where the Hades have you been the last nine months!?" Victoria screeched.

His smile wavered for a second then he acted like it never happened and laughed, "I guess something came up on my dads side of the family. I just got back a month ago."

"So..." Dennis said, "Did you hear about the Gods?"

That obviously was the wrong thing to say. His eyes looked angry and harsh, but he just said, "Yeah."

What had happened in the last few months. Percy was acting like a completely different person. We continued talking and told him some of the things that he missed last year after he left.

The bell finally rang and the rest of the class came swarming into the classroom.

"Hello class. I'm Mr. Blofis if you already didn't know he said. I'm going to take role then for the rest of the period you're free to do anything you want." Mr. Blofis said.

He called role and then the five of us started talking again.

"So," I said. "What happened to you while you were gone?"

He smiled, but it was obvious it was fake, like he rehearsed saying this, "I traveled a lot. I went to San Fran, Alaska, I traveled a lot over Italy, and uh Greece."

We chatted for the rest of the period, all of us sharing stories of what we did over the summer. Well, all of us except Percy. The finally bell rang(groan), meaning that it was time for first period. All five of us had Mythology first so we all walked there together.

Our teacher, Ms. Dreer, was waiting for us. "Hello class." She said when everyone had sat down, "Today we are going to take a pre-test on Greek mythology to see what you know already."

She handed out our papers, and told us to start.

Let's see, first question, 'Who are the twelve Olympian Gods?'

Let's see. I did a little research on this and I think it is, 'Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Artemis, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Ares, Hestia, Hephaestus, and Hermes.'

Question Two, 'Who is the Goddess of marriage?'

I think it's, 'Aphrodite is the goddess of, Love, Beauty, and Marriage.'

Question Three, 'Name the twin archers.'

'Artemis and Apollo.'

Question Four, 'Who are the big three?'

'Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon.'

Question Five, 'Who are Kronos's six children?'

'Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Athena, Hera, and Hermes.'

Extra Credit, 'Name as many Primordial/ Minor Gods as you can.'

'Hercules, Kronos, and Dionysus.'

I look up from my paper and realize I'm the second one done... the first being Percy. How is that possible? He never, never, ever, is first.

By the end of class Ms. Dreer handed our papers back. I got a seventy-seven! Everyone else did a little worse than me, so that makes me feel a little better.

Ms. Dreer hands Percy his paper and smiles, "Great job, Mr. Jackson."

"What did you get?" I asked him.

He showed me his paper. Holy Hades! He got a One-Hundred and Ten! How is that possible!? This is Perseus Jackson we're talking about, number one slacker! I'm going to figure out what's going on.

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