Khalya Malia Lee

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I awoke to Khalya crying in her crib.I headed downstairs and got the breast milk that was in the fridge.I then headed upstairs and passed Swae the bottle."The fuck,Ion drink this shit."He said looking at it weirdly."Give it to Khalya"I said laying back down.He then got up and got Khalya out of her crib and began feeding her.I awoke again to Swae talking to Khalif and Khalya."SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"I yelled at them."You can take Khalya in your room."swae said."Don't drop her"He said as they left."Bae"Swae asked rubbing my back.I dint answer."Eden"He said rubbing my back.Its been a month since I've had Khalya."Just rub my booty"I said to swae,he did as told.This was the only thing that got rid of my frustration."I love you girl"swae said to me."I need to make money, I two babies now,I can't depend on your drug dealing all the time"I said."I got u"He said.

*2 months later*
I was running the street with my now 1 year old daughter Khalya,and my 6 year old son Khalif.I was now known as Swaes baby momma,and his ruthless drug queen. Me and swae had every block on lock in the city. I arrived home at 12:00 from hustling with Swae.He carried Khalif,and I carried Khalya.I put Khalya in her bed in her pink themed hello kitty room.My kids had everything they wanted. I enjoyed this life as a drug princess with a drug queen.

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