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I felt a hand brushing over my cheek lightly. I smiled cause i knew it was Tom. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was smiling at me and i felt like doing jumping jacks.

At that moment i felt a sharp pain in my head. I quickly touched that place and closed my eyes. "Head hurts?" he asked while tilting his head.

"Yea I probably shouldn't drink like half of the bottle yesterday." i chuckled as i stretched. "You actually drank almost the whole bottle." he laughed.

"What?!" i was actually surprised by myself. "Mhm." he smiled again. He's so hot. "Well I don't really remember anything from yesterday. Please tell me I didn't say anything stupid." i was actually stressed about what could i say.

"Well.. you said some really interesting things but don't worry nothing stupid." he chuckled and smirked. "Great." i sighed in relief.

"What time is it?" i asked as i looked at him. "9:34 a.m." he looked at his phone to check the time. "Let's go downstairs." he suggested as he got up. "Alright." i got up as well.

She got up as well and went over to the door. She looked so cute. Her hair was a bit messy and her eyes were still sleepy. I followed her down.

She sat down on a chair and put her head in her hands. "You want some pain killers?" i asked her. "Yes please. And some water thank you." she said so softly. Her voice is so attractive like how.

I got the pain killer and a glass of water and gave it to her. She lifted her head up and took it. "Thank you so much Tommy." she smiled and put the pain killer in her mouth. "Of course Lin Lin." i smiled back.

Bill came downstairs. "Good morning you two." he said while sitting down as well. "Hey." i said as i sat down as well. "Hi Bill." Lin said putting her head on the table.

"Someone had a rough night huh?" he chuckled. "Yea i drank almost the whole bottle of vodka." she said actually sounding proud of herself. I laughed a bit.

"Girl tf- ALMOST THE WHOLE BOTTLE!?" he was in shock. "I knooow." she groaned. "You're crazy." he laughed and she did as well.

"Well as we are going to the vet today what if we drop Muffin there and go for a breakfast out today?" Bill suggested and I agreed. "Lin?" i turned to her.

"Uhh yea. Yea of course." she smiled a bit. It wasn't her real smile just a forced one."Alrighty! Muffin is supposed to be there at 10:50 so we should get ready." Bill said as he got up.

We all nodded and went upstairs. "Is the head better?" i asked as we got to the room. "Yeah thank you so much Tommy. Really." she kissed the side of my lips and went over for her backpack.

"No problem." i smiled. I was still repeating the night. Making out with her was so good. I wanted to make out again and forever. Damn she's a really good kisser.

I took my backpack and the tote bag where i had my things. "Can i borrow a towel please? I'm just going to take a quick shower." i looked over at Tom. "Sure." he left to his bathroom and gave me a clean towel.

"Thanks." i gave him a hug and left his room to the bathroom. Bill and Tom have their own bathrooms and then there are two for everyone and i use them.

I locked the door behind me. I took of my clothes. I put my messy hair in a bun so my hair won't get wet and hopped to the shower.

I let the warm water fall down my body. I washed myself and went out. I quickly dried myself and put on my clean panties and bra.

Then i put on some lotion to smell good. I took out the outfit I prepared yesterday and put it on.

(Imagine that the grey hoodie is Tom's

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(Imagine that the grey hoodie is Tom's. The one he gave Lin earlier.)

I forgot bandages at home. Shit. I was searching for my wristbands but then I remembered that I left them in the pocket of the pants i had yesterday and they are at home.

Super. I hope the hoodie will hide it and they won't notice. I put on my socks and took out my toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and tongue.

Then i combed my hair and put them just in a low bun. I put on some concealer and curled my lashes with clear mascara. I put all of my things back in my bag and put the towel on the radiator to dry.

I went back to Tom's room and put my bag here and since he was still showering i went over to Bills room.

I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. "Come in!" Bill yelled. I opened the door and closed them as I hopped on his bed. He was doing his makeup.

"Hi Lin!" he smiled widely and looked at me throughout the vanity mirror. "Hey." i sighed. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing just my head still hurts a little." i gave him a slight smile.

"It will go away in a while don't worry." he said while just doing the touch ups on his makeup. "You look gorgeous." i smiled at him so he would know i mean it. "Thank you so much Lin Lin! You look gorgeous as well!" he smiled so much he was really happy.

"Thank you." i smiled back. I love how supportive he is. "I know this one café and they have like the best waffles. I can't wait to eat them." he hopped on the bed next to me.

I chuckled at him. "Do you know what will you get?" he asked me. Shit. "Uhh well I don't really feel like breakfast today so I will probably just get a tea." i gave him thumbs up.

"Lin.. you sure?" he was worried. "Yes! Don't worry." I looked in his eyes. "Just.. if you need to talk about something you know I'm here for you, right?" he was really sad and i hate myself for making him sad.

I hugged him and said "I know that Bill. There is just something that is so hard to explain and don't worry I'll figure it out." i broke the hug and smiled at him. He smiled back.
Author's note:
Boring chapter sorry! And sorry for the late update school has been keeping me busy
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