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I woke up and immediately felt dizzy. My head was spinning like crazy and i felt so hot. It was pitch black and i sat up quickly.

An arm fell down from me. "What the fuck?" I mumbled quietly. I was so confused. I started touching the surroundings next to me to get more familiar with the place I'm at.

My hand found someone's body. I made my way to their face and as soon as i touched one of his dreads i knew it was Tom.

"Tommy?" i whispered getting closer to him. Nothing. I guess I'll let him sleep. My vision got better in the dark since i was now awake for a while.

I got off the couch quietly and walked slowly to the kitchen. I turn on one of the little lights and just pour myself a glass of water.

Arms wrapped around my torso from behind. "Hi Tommy." i whispered. "Hey ma. Why are you up?" he asked and his voice was just ahh.

"I was a little dizzy." I answered putting the glass down. I turned around to face him. His eyes were sleepy but still sparkling.

I looked over to the clock on the oven. 4.37 am. "Shit my father. Tom i have to go home." i panicked a little. He didn't let me escape his embrace and just smirked at me.

He looked at my lips and gave me a soft kiss. He had to lean down a little bit since i was a lot smaller. I couldn't help but kiss him back. He broke the kiss and smiled.

"Don't worry ma. He called saying that you should get home in the evening." he placed his hands on my ass softly.

I chuckled "alright then. But what about school?" i tilted my head. "We're not going." he smiled proudly and picked me up. He sat me on the counter but i still wasn't taller than him.

I knew what he was doing. I separated my legs and he stood between them to be closer to my face. I wrapped my legs around his torso.

His hands were now on my waist and i put mine around his neck. Our foreheads were almost touching.

We stayed like this for a while. Just in each other's embrace. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He looked at me back and then at my lips. I nodded because i was craving for his lips.

He slowly and gently connected our lips together. The feeling of his cold piercing against my lips send chills down my body.

The grip of his hand on my waist tightened. I put one of my hand on the back of his head to get even closer to him.

The kissing was slowly becoming more passionate. He lightly brushed his tongue against my bottom lip. My stomach made like a thousand backflips at that moment.

I let his tongue slide deep into my mouth. Our tongues began to dance together as soon as they met.

A little whimper escaped my lips and bit lightly on my lower lip. He pressed himself against me and I could feel him hard down there. His dick was literally pressed against my lower stomach.

My lower stomach was filled with millions of butterflies trying to escape.

The make out got even deeper. At this point we were literally gasping for air. I unconnected my lips from his and stared kissing his jawline.

He pressed even more onto me and i was proud of myself. His hand flew under my top immediately touching my bare skin as i made my way down to his neck.

He tilted his head to the side so it would be easier for me. I started sucking lightly on his skin and he breathed out heavily.

His hand made it's way to my bra. He was brushing his fingers on the top of the bra turning me on a bit too much.

I knew I wouldn't get any satisfaction since my period is ending today. I couldn't provoke myself any more.

I finished giving him the hickey and pulled away. "Tommy let's go upstairs to get some more sleep." i brushed my thumb across his lips.

His eyes were low and looking at me with love. True love. Eyes never lie.

"Anything you want." he kissed my forehead and picked me up again. "I can walk." i chuckled. "Not happening." he put his hands on my ass and carried me upstairs.

He put me down on the bed. "You want anything more comfortable to sleep in?" he asked taking his hoodie off.

"Actually maybe some sweatpants." i smiled at him. He nodded and went over to his closet.

"I can't find any sweatpants that wouldn't be large af on you right now. Are shorts ok?" he asked still in his closet.

Since he knows everything now i can wear shorts. "Yeah."

He walked out with a pair of big shorts that had lace so i was able to tie them. "You can change in the bathroom." he smiled as he handed me the shorts.

"Thanks." i smiled back and kissed his cheek. I walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I looked in the mirror and gosh i looked awful.

My mascara was all smuggled and my hair was a mess. I had red eyes and i looked like i did drugs.

I decided not to care about it since I'm still tired and i want to get some more rest. I just took my pants and hoodie down and put the shorts on.

They weren't that big but i still had to tie them. I actually loved wearing oversized things so it was just perfect.

I had to take down my top as well to unbuckle and take down my bra. Then i put the top back on and exit the bathroom.

I put my clothes on his chair and hopped on the bed next to him. He covered us both with blanket and turned the lamp off.

He was shirtless and he had some sweatpants. I gave him a kiss "Good night Tommy." even tho it was more like a morning then night. "Night ma." he returned his kiss.

I laid my head down on his chest. He wrapped his hand around me. I closed my eyes and everything went black.

After a while i felt a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see who it was.

Author's note:

1088 words

𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ★ 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now