Ch. 1 - The Prince of Valentines

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My eyes strained a bit before opening, burned by the light opened to me through my curtains. A normal person would groan and turn away, maybe even ignore it completely, but with how I've lived, I never had the option. Folding my layers of blankets over to reveal my legs, my silk sleepwear helping me to slide off the side, I close the bedding back up. It looked like no one had been in this bed, as if it were some sort of model on display, with one simple run of my hands over the top. It's easy to fix when you don't move in your sleep.

Prim and proper, every day.

I thank my attendant for opening the curtains with a nod, my white slippers covering my pristine feet in an instant, and then the sound of me stepping over the tiled floor to get to the washroom. I close the door behind me and turn to look at myself in the mirror. My light pink hair doesn't seem to change shape ever, and the indent where my crown belongs was now a permanent edition. Perfect skin, clear reddish pink eyes, and rosy tones on my cheeks, eyes and lips make me look like I have makeup on despite being all natural.

Prim and proper... every day.

The silk garments slip off as I need them to, placing them perfectly folded to the side, and walking over to the shower. The water is the perfect temperature every time, showering down and waiting for me as soon as I turn the valve. I must ensure that I smell brand new and like a bouquet of flowers every day. Ensure that my hair stays voluminous and conditioned. My skin benefits from the specialty soap, lathering it in every inch of my body.

By the time I'm finished and I slide the shower door open, my nightclothes are gone and replaced by my usual apparel. A frilly white shirt, brown shorts with laced white bloomers to go underneath. Pure white gloves, thigh high socks, a brown collar that goes over it all to match my shorts. I look like someone's perfect Valentines Day gift, just as expected. How else would my kingdom get the name. Dressing myself posthaste and exiting to the room, my boots sit awaiting me on the floor before my bed, and my crown and jewelry accompany them on the nightstand.

Every day is like this, perfectly scripted. My hair dries instantly to the same shape as before, my skin is moisturized admirably, my life feels like it's directed on rails, there was no such thing as error. If that was good or not was not my place to decide.

Now fully clothed, my crown fitting like the last needed puzzle piece in this corner of the overall image, it's time to make my appearances. Breakfast with an attendant to discuss the plans of the day is first. Then bidding the people of the Kingdom good morning from my balcony is next. From there the plans are no longer in my hands, but it was never a concern. They were so similar every day, would it ever matter if they changed?

"Prince Ivoire!" Today's attendant calls from the end of the hallway. "Good morning, young sir!"

It takes everything in me to not correct him, to ask him to use my first name, my given name. But it was improper. The least he could do is remove 'young' from that title he has given me, but since I was still a Prince and not yet a King, I had no choice. No matter my age.

"Good morning, sir." I courtesy to him, unlike a usual prince, though that was just how it was around here. Gender roles were always so barbaric anyways. It takes real class to be whoever you wanted to be.

"Young sir, for breakfast we will be having drop scones with raspberry and champagne preserves! Todays accompanying fruits are raspberries, bananas, honeydew, and blueberries. And to shake things up, instead of the usual earl grey tea, today we will be having honey lavender!" He rambles.

The shock that overwhelms me... is nonexistent. "Such a big change!" I lie. "What calls for this, sir?"

"Just a little bit of adventurous nature, I suppose!" He is truly excited, which truthfully pulls a smile from my dull emotions. "It's just in my nature!"

"That sounds perfect, sir. I'm sure that this new development will benefit me today, so I thank you." I must play into it all, lest I be seen as disrespectful. Giving him a slight bow of the head, he bows back before leading me to the dining room. I cannot remember the last time I've seen the kitchen in my own castle...

Prim and proper.

Every day.

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