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(can also be found on @onxisgay) 

 Hello and welcome to my first Keeper of the Lost Cities fanfic! Note, I do not own Keeper of the Lost Cities, or any characters, except for Aaron, Witney, and Vince. (My OC's who will be mentioned more as the story continues.) I'm writing this book for fun, and will be updating whenever I can, since I have another book I need to update, as well. ( ) please read it if you're interested! Also, thank you to , for inspiring me to write this with your amazing book, ! Check it out. Its. AMAZING. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my book, Love you guys!

P.S. if I get any readers, I might hold a poll for who will be the love interests, if not, I'll be deciding, since I've already got a few ideas. Anyway, onto the preface!


It started out as one of the happiest days of your life. The sun was shining, there was a soft breeze lifting the grasses in the meadow around your house, all that boring, all-too-perfect feeling. Like the calm before a storm. But of course, as a seven-year-old, you didn't realize this. You were just excited to go to Atlantis with your parents for your birthday.

"Y/n, are you ready to go?" your mother asked, and you nodded, practically jumping up and down in excitement. Your parent's had said they would buy you anything you wanted in Atlantis, and you knew just what you wanted. A pet.

Your mother led you to the leapmaster, where your father was already waiting. You took a deep breath. Leaping had always scared you, but you were trying to get over that fear.

You stepped into the light after your parents, arriving at the whirlpool leading to Atlantis. You loved the water, so jumping in wasn't a problem for you. Your parents followed, and you grinned widely and shouted all the way down. It was probably the funnest thing you had ever done, you decided as you came out the end of the whirlpool, and onto the streets of Atlantis.

"Come on!" you exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement when your parents came out of the whirlpool after you. "I want a pet mer-cat!!" Your mother laughed, and you grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the nearest shop, which just happened to be a pet store.

Coming out of the pet-store, you were trying your hardest to carry a medium-sized tank, with a small mer-cat swimming around in it, his turquoise scales shining. You'd already named him Munro.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" your mom asked as you almost dropped the tank for the twentieth time in the past thirty seconds. You shook your head, forging on.

Walking through the streets, you saw another store you wanted to go to. It was covered in shiny gems and shells, and said something you couldn't read on it.

"There!" you exclaimed, pointing, and almost dropping Munro's tank in the process. Your father quickly grabbed it, and you decided to let him carry it. You didn't want to kill Munro.

You were pulling your mom towards the shop when you stopped in your tracks, filling a tug in your gut. It confused you, at first, but the tug grew worse, until it hurt.

"What's wrong?" your mom asked. You didn't answer. The tug hurt like heck now, and you were hearing things. Whispers- like something was calling to you, and you had to find it. You ran down the street, and your mother ran after you.

You were a very fast seven year old.

Cutting a corner, and circling back, you finally realized it wasn't another elf calling you- no. The call couldn't be from an elf- it was all around you, closing in. You shivered as you realized what it was.

The water itself was calling to you, all around. You couldn't ignore it- you could feel it, like how someone would touch something tangible, and be able to feel that.

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