The Last Words He Said

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The bad guys seemed to be overwhelming SpiderMan; and with Peter out of the picture SpiderWolf was vulnerable. They say wolves are vulnerable without their pack, and Peter was ......well, he, Miles, and DarkWolf substituted as her pack.

With Miles and DarkWolf studying, and Peter stuck at home, SpiderWolf was on her own and vulnerable as wolves don't do well without packs.

This proved true when she fought the villain who caused her to meet DarkWolf, Solar.  She grabbed Solar with her webs and proceeded to flip him only for Solar to burn the webs, and in doing so, SpiderWolf, who grabbed her wrist in pain.

SpiderWolf: Agh!

SpiderWolf transformed and grabbed Solaris, who thrashed her until she flew across the alley and hit a trashcan. She yelped in pain and saw Solar about to punch her. Then she pounced out of there and hit her paw on the dumpster.

She howled out of pain when doing so and dodged Solaris's fireball.

Solar: You're such a disappointment... easy fights are no fun.  Go ahead and get your paw better; then have a real challenge ready for me.

SpiderWolf snarled as Solar flew off. She then climbed up the walls as a human, then when she got to the roof she winced as she remembered, she burnt her wrist.

She got down on one knee and started to treat it. She took off her sleeve and put some cream on it, and afterwards she put a bandaid on it and then she rolled up her sleeve.

Then she changed into her wolf form and started to treat her paw. She put a bandaid on her paw with some effort and then stood up.

Then she saw Miles....riding a giant robot.

In his costume.

That's normal right?

Only there's DarkWolf swinging her webs behind him.

Nothing to be worried about.....right?

Well she couldn't help anyways due to her injuries. She's just going to have to trust that DarkWolf will keep Miles on track of whatever they're doing.

She then got home, and she started doing her project, that is until Max texted her and said that the project was canceled. Jessica groaned in annoyance, throwing the project away in frustration.

Jessica: I spent 48 hours on that project and it was all for- Agh!

Jessica winced because of her wrist. She grabbed it with her other arm as she fell on her bed.

Jessica: (whispering) Stupid SpiderWolf....stupid double life....stupid secret identity....stupid apparent supervillain brother that's in a coma....

Jessica froze when she mentioned Ock. Jessica hasn't gotten over the fact that she is the brother of her boyfriend's archenemy.

She closed her sapphire eyes, and imagined her wearing those hideous octopus arms and attacking SpiderMan without mercy. She would throw herself out the window if she betrayed anyone. Then she remembered. WhiteWolf.

Whether she likes it or not, WhiteWolf is within her. That girl who worked alongside Jackal and had no memory of her old friends and family whatsoever... that girl who was coldhearted and bitter to the Spider Team...

Jessica rubbed her neck in regret. She's got to be honest; she doesn't really remember how she died. She doesn't remember the mission that caused her to die. All that comes to her mind is someone named Sandman.

WhiteWolf had hit her hard; she doesn't remember particular parts of her life. She remembers her family, and her friends... she remembers where her loyalties lie...

But she doesn't remember some birthdays. How she became SpiderWolf?.. she...only remembers it blurry. She remembers some of it- but not all of it. She doesn't remember that small interaction her and Spidey had in the carnival- she doesn't remember Black Cat either.

WhiteWolf had her effects on Jessica. You know what WhiteWolf is to Jessica? A literal pain in her past.

Then, Gwen texted her.

Gwen: Hey Jess!! I just left your boyfriend's house, and he says he needs you.

Jessica froze. If Peter needs her... then he must be in trouble or something! Like SpiderMan trouble!

Jessica: I'm on my way!!

Jessica threw her book and got into the car.

Jessica: Pete's house, please.

Guard: On it, Ms. Octavius.

She got to Peter's house, where Aunt May opened the door for Jessica. Jessica ran to Peter's room, expecting to see something like Scorpion, but Peter was sitting down on his chair. Jessica was especially worried because he looked so..exhausted.

No wonder he couldn't help her out this morning. Aunt May made him come home for some rest.

Jessica: Peter I swear, this better be important. Like SpiderMan and SpiderWolf important or I will throw you out that freakin' window.

Peter: Umm... no need for those threats, please. Look I need you to occupy Aunt May for a little while just so I could save Miles and DarkWolf.

Jessica: Save Miles and DarkWolf!?

Peter: Miles sent me a distress signal, so I'm worried.

Jessica: Why didn't they-

You have a Howling Distress Signal on your phone.

Jessica: Why didn't you tell me sooner you useless phone?! Ugh... but Peter this is one of the stupidest ideas you ever had in your entire life as SpiderMan, and as Peter Parker too. If your saving Miles and DarkWolf- ah!

Jessica winced as her wrist stung

Peter: Exactly why I should go, because your wrist hurts.

Jessica: My wrist...will be fine.

Peter: Jess, your wrist is burning like crazy right now. I couldn't imagine what I would do if one of those villains managed to break it and injure you.

Jessica rolled her eyes; overprotective boyfriend mode, activated.

Peter: Please, just move.

Jessica: No.

Peter: Jess...

Jessica: You can't make me.

-Five minutes later Peter ran for his life after trapping Jessica in webs-

Jessica managed to get the webs off of her by transforming, but Peter was already gone. Jessica growled lowly, but the minute she took a step, her paw stung her.

Jessica: Gah!! Aw, dang it. I hate you Solar.

Jessica never saw Peter again after that....

When the SpiderWolf Howls [Peter x Female OC Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now