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The scene changed to the train, pulling up to the station and Hagrid yelling "Right then first years this way, please!
Come on now first years don't be shy" The camera switches to angles to show Harry, Phoenix, and Ron getting off the train "Come on now hurry up come on!" Hagrid could be heard in the background the group of first years, walked over to hagrid " hello Harry, phoenix" the half-giant greeted the twins "hello hagrid" they said together "wow" Ron said, realizing how tall Hagrid is " right then this way to the boats come on now follow me"  he announced while turning to lead them to the boats

The camera changed to show them on the boats, flipping up to show Hogwarts the camera changed again to show all the kid's reactions to the school, and they were all very flabbergasted " wicked"

" I remember seeing Hogwarts for the first time thought it looked dusty," Sirius said, in a very sarcastic voice "Yeah like you," Regulus told his brother

The cameras changed again to show all of the first years walking up the stairs to the school all stopping when they came across a woman in a green robe and a tall hat

"Welcome to Hogwarts now in a few moments, you'll pass through these doors and join your classmates leave but before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses there a Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin "Finishing the last part while looking over at Draco " no while you were here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn your points any role breaking and you will lose points. at the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the house cup-" " Trevor!" a boy, shouted, while running to pick up a toad "Sorry" he quickly whispered as he went back to his place " starting ceremony will begin momentarily" she said well turning around to go to the great hall

" It's true then what they're saying on the train the Potters have come to Hogwarts" Draco taunted as everyone started whispering, the two Potters's names "This is Crab and Goyal and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" Phoenix goes to shake his hand, but stops as Ron laughs " think my name is funny do you there's no need to ask yours, red hair, and a hand me down robe you must be a Weasley" as he says that Ron looks down sadly Phoenix, Pats rons shoulder

"geez, he's mean," Fred said while laughing to his twin "Yeah, why is Phoenix marrying him? he's a butt" George replied while messing up Draco's hair

"You soon, find out that some wizarding families are better than others, potters you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort I can help you there " Draco claimed, putting out his hand to Harry Harry looked silently, and then very sassily says " I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself. Thanks." just as he says that the professor that was talking to them before came back. " we're ready for you now. Follow me." she instructed turning back to the great hall. they all walk into the great hall, seeing the people in the years above them and candles, floating from the ceiling, the ceiling that looks like the night sky.

" it's not real the ceiling it's just bewitched to look like the night sky I read about it in 'Hogwarts, a history' " Hermione says over to the girl beside of her and Phoenix who is slowly walking in front of her to finally get to the front of the great hall, and professor McGonagle steps on to a podium " all right will you wait along here please? now before we can begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." a man with a very long beard and hair stands up to start speaking. " I have a fuse start of term notices. I wish to announce the first years please take note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden. to all students also, our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right, hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death thank you"

" wow what a great thing to tell a bunch of 11-year-olds that are very curious" molly, Weasley grumbled

"Now when I call your name, you will come forth. asha placed the sorting hat on your head and you'll be sorted into your houses ' Hermione, Granger'" Hermione steps up onto the podium whispering to her self "OK relax" the camera switches over to Ron Harry and Phoenix " mental that one I tell you" ron whispers over to the twins, receiving a hit in the stomach from phoenixes elbow the camera switches back over to remind me getting the sorting hat placed on her head " oh right then, right OK Gryffindor!"

throughout the hall, you could hear both clapping from the people in the great hall, and from the movie

" Draco, Malfoy" Draco steps up to the podium and sits on the stool right before the hat can be fully placed on his head. It yells, "Slytherin" he jumps up running over to the Slytherin table, and the camera switch is back over to Ron.  "There's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin" the camera shows a Phoenix quietly whispering to themselves "I have a feeling that's not true" the sorting continues until eventually, it gets to Ron " Ronald Weasley" everyone's cheering the silent as Ron walks up to the podium sits on the stool and gets the sorting hat placed on his head

"ha another Weasley know just what to do with you Gryffindor!!" ha ha gets taken off his head, and Ron happily runs over to his brothers at the Gryffindor table " harry potter" how are you slowly walked up to the podium, leaving Phoenix behind, to  get the hat placed on his head " difficult very difficult. Plenty of courage I see not a bad mind either there's talent. Oh yes. and a thirst to prove yourself, but where to put you." harry quickly starts whispering to the hat "not Slytherin not Slytherin."

" not Slytherin eh? are you sure you could be great you know it's all here in your head and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness. There's no doubt about that no?" " no please please" " well if you're sure " "anything but Slytherin" " better be...Gryffindor!"

"YES IM SO PROUD OF you SON" James Potter says he's almost squeezes the life out of Harry well Phoenix looks on wondering what will happen when they realize there not Gryffindor

Harry runs over to the Gryffindor table as the two Weasley twins. Yell "we got a potter we got potter" McGonagall calls out the next student to be sorted " phoenix, potter" phoenix, slowly walks up to the podium, ready to get the head placed on there head as soon as the hat is placed on there head starts talking to them "another potter, this one very different but also very similar Better be"

" Slytherin!"

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