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The scene changed to show the Slytherin in the common room first of Phoenix, walking next to Draco and a girl with black hair " OK Slytherin, the password is pure-blood. girls' dormitories up and down to your left same for the boys on the other side do not go to the opposite gender dorms. do it, and expect to be in detention with Professor Snape" the Slytherin prefect, said to the group of 11-year-olds

" so that's what the Slytherin and common room looks like I've always wondered," Mary said over to Lily

Harry was petting Hedwig at his window when suddenly the scene changed to show Ron and Harry running down a hallway. in McGonagle's classroom, the camera went inside to show a cat sitting on a desk. "we made it can you imagine the look on old McGonagle's face if we were late?" Ron says to hurry looking over at the cat on the desk just for the cat to jump off and turn into McGonagle.

" hey, Minnie is a beautiful young lady." serious tells Ron while pointing his finger at him.

Ron's mouth drops as he says to the McGonagle "That was bloody brilliant" "Oh thank you for the assessment Mr. Weasley perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure, Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch that way one of you might be on time" " we got lost" Harry said while pushing in his lips " then perhaps a map I trust you you don't need one to find your seats" as the boys sit down the camera switches over to Phoenix giggling

The scene changes over to potions class where you can see Ron, Hermione, and Harry talking, and then the table in front of them, crab Goyal, Draco, and Phoenix talking they all stop as Professor Snape walks in the door very dramatically throwing, his cape everywhere " there will be no foolish wand, waving or silly incantations in this class as such I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science in sacked art that is potion-making however for those select few" he says, looking down at Draco

" Someone has a favorite," Phoenix says, looking over to her boyfriend

" possess the predisposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses I can tell you how to bottle fame brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so that you feel confident enough to not pay attention," he says, directly, looking at Harry, who was writing down everything he was saying.

Hermione nudged his shoulder " Mr. Potter our new celebrity tell me what if I would get if I added powdered root of asphodel to infuse infusion of wormwood?" he asked Harry, knowing that he didn't know the answer, and Hermione's hand shot up. hairy shakes his head just to get a rude response." you don't know well, let's try again where Mr. Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" instantly Hermione's hand shoots up again.

" I don't know sir" " what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?" this time as he asks the question, both Hermione and Phoenix, his hands shoot up. "I don't know Sir" "Pity clearly famous, isn't everything" In the background you can faintly hear Phoenix ask Draco "Is he always like that? A dick" "No, he's nice to me at least I think he just doesn't like Harry" Draco whispers over to them

The scene changes again to the great hall to show Seamus trying to spell" eye of rabbit, heartstring hum turn this water into rum," he looks into the gauntlet to see if the water has turned into real and then sits back down and tries it again " eye of rabbit, heartstring hum, turn this water into rum" The camera goes over to Harry to see him asking Ron " what Seamus is trying to do with that glass of water?"

" what do you think Harry context, clues," Phoenix says, slapping their brother in the back of the head.

" Turn it to rum actually managed to make a weak tea yesterday before" As soon as Ron finishes the sentence, the glass of water exploded in Seamus's face Hermione wiped the smoke out of her face as an owl screeched "Ah mails here" owls start dropping packages down for the students as they caught them Harry picked up his newspaper and asks " can I borrow this?" Ron nodded "Thanks" "Hey look Neville gotta remembrall."

"I've read about those when the smoke turns red it means you've forgotten something" As her money finishes her sentence Phoenix sits next to her "The only problem is, I can't remember what I forgotten" " Nevv, your robes" Phoenix, reminds him " oh yeah thank you" he says standing up to go get his robes " hey Ron, phi somebody broke into Gringotts listen, believe to be the work of dark wizards, or which is unknown Gringotts goblins will acknowledge the breach insist. Nothing was taken the vault in question number 713 had in fact been emptied earlier the same day. that's odd. That's the vault Hagard, phi, and I went to."

A gasp is heard from the great hall "Drama" Sirius says, putting his hand out

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Did you guys know the peacock version of the first movie has extra scenes also, the song is because it reminds me of Snape

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Did you guys know the peacock version of the first movie has extra scenes also, the song is because it reminds me of Snape.

also, sorry I've been gone for a whil but my cat died

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