~Chapter 1~

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~Y/n~ Pov: I woke up and stretched and yawned, "..what time is it?.." I said out loud to myself as I looked around my room tiredly. I picked my phone up and checked the time. "It's already 6:30!?" I said in a panicked tone, now more awake as I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet to find something to wear, today was my first day at my new school and I needed to get ready. My Mother moved to this town after my father had been reported missing and was found dead a couple of days later, my mother couldn't stand living in that town anymore so we moved. 

For school, I put on an f/c short-sleeved shirt and a pair of dark blue ripped jeans, I look at myself in the mirror and think to myself, This will be good enough... As I quickly brush my teeth and brush my h/l,  h/c hair and run downstairs and make some toast and quickly eat it as I pick up my bag, put on my shoes, and run out of the door, "I love you, Mom!" I yell while running out the door. When I arrive at school I pause for a minute before tilting my head a bit as I read the name, skool. I quickly shrug it off and walk into ..skool. I already know my class so I head to Ms. Bitter's classroom, when I enter a couple of kids turn and stare at me, was I late? I question myself. 

the teacher made me introduce myself as I sat down by this kid who had glasses, brown eyes, black, messy hair, and a trenchcoat, and the other boy also had black hair but.... green skin? and no ears or nose, and purple eyes... I stare at the green boy for a minute before the other boy taps my shoulder. I quickly turn around and look at him "Hey, I'm Dib, I already know your name since Ms.Bitters made you introduce yourself," I smile and whisper back to Dib. "Nice to meet you, Dib!" Dib smiles back at me "I was gonna ask you if you wanted to sit with me at lunch! knowing you're new, I'm gonna assume you haven't made any friends yet?" I nod slowly. "I'll sit with you! And yeah, I don't really know anyone yet, well I guess now I do know you!" I laugh a bit before Ms.Bitters says in a harsh tone, "No whispering during class." as she points towards us. I slowly glanced between her and dib and nodded,  I guess ill talk to dib at lunch.

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