Story 3 - Velarion Fighter

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Written for Story prompt - Baddassreads - Mission Accomplished - Prompt: Team of Assassins.


Standing before the mirror he touched his fingers to his cheek. Short brown hair, hazel eyes, a face he had never seen before. He didn't know the person staring back at him, and yet there was clarity. His name was Lucas, he was 19 and set to be tested to get his team again today. How did he know all this? What was this team and why was it so important? The world and his body felt foreign but his mind registered and followed along like it was nothing. It was like he had woken up with a new lease on life, a new mindset from a different person. Was he in someone else body? He had to be, this wasn't his life.

A loud banging on the door made him jump. His attention snapped to the odd-looking interior of the dorm-like room he found himself in. He wasn't a student but he was in an academy of some kind. His mind was still foggy on the details, information trickling in slowly from Lucas's mind.

"Lucy time to get up!" A voice he knew all too well rang out on the other side of the door as the pounding of a fist on the wood continued. "Wouldn't want to be late to get your arse handed to you."

Storming over to the door he flung it open to come face-to-face with Jonathan. He had once been friends with the obnoxious blonde-haired blue-eyed boy, that had been the worst mistake of his life. He'd been used, a stepping stone for the asshole to get funding and recognition, they had never really been friends. But in truth, he had believed they had been until the fateful day that Jon had betrayed him.

"Don't you have somewhere better to be?" He responded dryly glaring at the boy.

Jon looked taken aback, blinking up at him with a surprised expression. Lucas didn't seem to have much of a backbone when it came to Jon, he would often cower and bend to Jon's will, doing what he was told to just to get by. Like hell, he wouldn't be doing that anymore.

"Awe, did Lucy get up on the wrong side of the bed?" Jon pouted his bottom lip as he continued to make fun of Lucas.

"Jonathan, stop being an arrogant prick. You're only here because I allowed it to happen. Watch your mouth or I'll have you gone just as easily as I got you in." He leant on the door frame crossing his arms as he carefully watched the reactions around him.

Some people who were passing by had stopped and began giggling as Jon appeared to scowl and grow angry. The situation was slowly drawing a crowd.

"You think you can just talk to me like that! After everything I've done for you!" Jon was practically screaming now.

"What you've done for me?" He raised a brow. "You mean how you stole my team leader from me? How you betrayed me? Let's get the facts straight Jonathan." Pushing himself off the door frame he took a step toward his so-called friend. Lucus stood a good foot taller than Jon when he held himself up straight. His posture and attitude aggressive and dominating. "You and I are not friends, far from it. You better watch yourself today."

The crowd around them erupted with whispers and gasps.

"Is that a threat!?" Jon hissed.

He tilted his head to the side and smirked. "Call it whatever you want, I'm not losing today."

Jon laughed, though he was clearly shaking. "You and what team? You couldn't even summon a proper leader! Bring it!" He stormed off, pushing his way through the crowd and disappearing.

"I never thought  I would see the day that you would talk back to him." A sweet angelic voice spoke from behind him.

He froze, there was a woman in his room, since when? He spun around expecting to come face-to-face with someone... but no one was there.

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