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It was 3:28 a.m. and Eve laid rolling around in her bed to try and prevent herself from sinking into the covers even more. The night outside was dead silent. The only sounds you could hear were the occasional car passing by and the rustle of the wind and leaves. She laid facing the ceiling with her hands behind her head, lazily trying to blink the sleep out of her eyes.

She might've had no reason to be awake right now, but she also held no real reason for her to be asleep either. Unlike her brother, no photoshoots, Chinese, friends, or school awaited her presence the following morning. So might as well soak up some more alone time while she's truly by herself. She sat up in bed and leaned to her left, grabbing her phone.

Social media had been flooded with the upbringings of two new superheroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir. They've stated their mission is only good and intend on defeating Hawkmoth, a new villain who's ambushed Paris with supervillains.

A blog by someone in Adrien's class had gone viral after one of its clips was shared on the news, it'd been named the Ladyblog.

Eve had talked about it with Adrien and he casually mentioned that it was ran by someone in his class. Eve thought that was really cool. The girl seemed nice too. He'd said her name was Alya.

Adrien's been hanging out with a lot of new people ever since he started school about a week ago. There was the Ladyblog girl, someone named Nino who was supposedly a DJ, and Marinette who was apparently a fashion designer.

Her parents also owned a bakery down the street from the school so Eve was shocked to find out that she was practically always late to class. She was surprised to hear that she wasn't early if anything. Adrien had also mentioned something about stuttering? That also shocked Eve a bit because in all the Ladyblog videos she seemed to talk fine.

Eve still laid in her bed. Minutes feeling like hours and seconds feeling like minutes.

She lightly glanced over at her clock. Not even fifteen minutes had passed and yet she felt like the sun was about to rise at any moment. She turned her head back to her phone with an inaudible groan, melting into her bed once more.

Her alarm was set to go off in roughly two hours for practically no reason at this point. She'd probably take her usual walk around town, grabbing coffee despite her already making some that same morning.

Every day she's given two hours to spend in town however she likes. It had been one up until Natalie's persuasions when Adrien started school.

Chloe was another person in Adrien's class. However, they'd been friends before so it wasn't like she was someone new. The three of them had known each other seemingly all their lives. However a difference between Chloe and Eve's relationship and Chloe and Adrien's was definitely present.

Every interaction with Chloe always left Eve wondering how the next one would play out. Chloe could be kind, she'd seen her do it. But she'd also witnessed her be unnecessarily mean. She could go from being bossy and crude to classy and sweet in the blink of an eye. To her everyone was just a fly waiting to be swat.

Eve rolled around in her bed once more, she couldn't be that bad... right? When they were kids they'd gotten along just fine, that was until she started acting more and more like her Mom. But like I've said, she can't be that bad right?

After all, she was one of the limited non-family members she interacted with for the first six years of her life, other than paparazzi that did nothing but mob her with cameras. The first interaction that should could remember with someone else was with a girl with pretty, strawberry-red hair.

Eve and Gorilla had been heading back to their limo when her balloon snagged on a tree branch. A little girl had been rollerblading and stopped to try and help the two. The two girls decided the best idea would be to through one of her skates at it, but ended up popping it instead. Looking back Eve still doesn't know why they assumed the best idea was to throw something at a balloon, but she'll cut them some slack.

As Eve and Gorilla had started to leave the bright-haired girl handed her a bracelet as an apology for popping the balloon, which was now dopily hanging from a branch.

No sweet interactions like that were ever shared between Chloe and Eve. In all honesty, she could've just been playing nice with her to get closer to Adrien. He had always been overprotective of his younger sister, and knowing Chloe, she could've used that to her advantage. Like mother like daughter.

Eve rolled around in her bed once more, trying to not think about it too much but subconsciously doing so as she drifted off to sleep.

Word count: 849

Publish date: 9/4/23

A/N: Thank you for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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