Tuesday, part one.

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The thick crisp and cold night air blew swiftly through the trees, it howled with each pass as the moonlight and stars brightened the ground, Revealing an open field with a small little shack in the middle broken down and old, Surrounded by dead grass, trees, and flowers. But not just any flowers; no, the flowers That surrounded the old shack in a circle formation are roses.

Black Roses,

"Hello?" I called out, looking around the open field taking everything in feeling the crisp cold air cut my cheeks as it blew by, Shivering in response.

"Child of pain," The words echoed through the field, And all the blood left my body at them.

"G–Go Away!" I shouted, And when I did a big gust of wind blew through so strong it almost knocked me over, And the small old shack lit up with light on the inside, and smoke began to come from its chimney.

"Inside." The all To familiar voice whispered, and it sounded as if though it came from  right behind me, And I quickly turned to be bent with nothing.

"W–What do you want!?" I yelled,

"Inside," This time it said the word louder, And farmer Then a gosh of wind blew past me and as it did The ground beneath me lit up in what almost looked like stars, Leading a pathway to the small old shack. "Go,"

Completely shaking at this point with fear and confusion, I looked around the field frantically And with no other option,
I did as the voice told, and I began following the small lit path.

Every step I took my stomach turned and it felt as if it was going lower, and lower And when I finally reached the end of the small path now standing in front of the old door of the shack, I slowly brought my shaking right hand up to the door and pushed it open.

It made a loud creaking sound as it opened slowly And it caused me to clinch my teeth, And when it opened enough I was met with an empty shack with only a small fire lit in the fireplace.

"Inside," The voice whispered again, this time sounding as if it was coming from inside the shack itself.

I swallowed hard and thought for a moment,
Not sure if I should but with curiosity boiling deep within me, And not really sure what would happen if I didn't listen, I slowly made my way inside the shack; And as soon as I made it past the door it slammed behind me loudly causing me to jump and turn..

"What the–" I'm cut off as bright different colored balls appear in the small shack all around me, full of what appears to be memories, But not just any memories.


they are mine;

"W–what the h–hell?!" I looked around the small shack Eyeing every one of the balls Of my memories, going all the way back to my first ever Gymnist class, to my last. "What is this?" I asked, more to myself I think.

"You're life;" The voice spoke, Sounding as if it was coming from every direction.

"What do you want!? Why are you doing this?! what are you?!" I shouted and clinched my fist tightly,

"Mommy! Mommy look!"  The voice of a 6 year old me said from one of the memories, and I turned to see me running into the kitchen and my mother cooking at the stove. "I caught a frog mommy! a frog! I'm gonna name him Sebastian!" I held the little frog up in my hands and my mother turned to me with a smile and the frog jumped out of my hands and onto her apron. "I–I'm sorry Mommy!"

"Oh, It's all right sweetie," My mother said, quickly grabbing the frog and bending down to my level. "And that's a wonderful name, but I'm afraid you cannot keep him."

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