Chapter 14: Desert Crossroads

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While the team embarked on their crucial mission to Facade, their hopes resting on the possibility of discovering a cure for the Black Scrawl, one member chose to remain behind. It was Tony Stark, the brilliant inventor and renowned mechanic. Seated on the ground floor of Nier's house, he found himself glancing around the room.

There was a hint of restlessness in his demeanor. Deprived of his usual array of high-tech toys and the constant hum of his workshop, he was left with an unusual amount of free time. These precious moments of solitude were a rarity in his action-packed life, a chance to reflect and ponder without the usual distractions.

The past two weeks had been a whirlwind of battles against shades, robots, and various other threats that had come their way. Tony hadn't had a genuine opportunity to sit and collect his thoughts. His mind, often occupied with the next invention or witty retort, now had a chance to breathe. But then, out of nowhere, he heard a loud thud from upstairs.

Tony glanced at the ceiling.

The kid must be up. I better check on her.

He got up from where he was sitting and headed upstairs. As he entered the room, he found Yonah on the floor, looking like she had taken a tumble from her bed. He hurried to her side, kneeling down to meet her eye level.

"Hey kid, you alright?" he asked with genuine concern.

Yonah took a deep breath before reluctantly admitting, "I can't stand up."

"Why not?" Tony asked.

"I feel so tired today," Yonah said.

Tony couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pity for the young girl. She was battling a disease that he didn't fully understand, and it weighed on him to see her struggle.

"Alright well then," Tony said as he sat down.

"What are you doing?" Yonah asked.

"Well, if you're not gonna stand, I figured I might as well sit down," Tony replied with a faint smile.

Yonah looked up at Tony, "Is Nier gone yet?"

"Yeah he left early this morning with the others," Tony replied. "He didn't want to wake you."

"Why are you still here?" Yonah asked.

Tony adjusted his position on the floor. "I'm here because, well, I'm not much of a desert guy, and I figured someone should keep you company. You know, in case you need anything."

Yonah's eyes brightened a bit, touched by Tony's gesture. "That's really nice of you, Mr. Stark."

Tony waved off the formality with a casual grin. "Please, just call me Tony. 'Mr. Stark' was my dad."

Yonah giggled softly, the sound like a brief melody in the quiet room. "Okay, Tony."

But then, the brief moment of joy gave way to sadness. "It's all my fault. If I wasn't sick, Nier wouldn't have to keep going to these places."

Tony pondered for a moment, searching for words that could offer some comfort to the young girl. "Well, it could be worse."

"Worse?!" Yonah exclaimed.

"Yeah," Tony replied, "I mean, think about it. At least you didn't turn into a vampire or something because of the disease."

Yonah blinked, then burst into laughter at the absurdity of the idea. "A vampire? That would be crazy!"

Yonah remembered reading about vampires in a book from the library over a year ago. When Nier found out about it and asked her what the book was about, she excitedly shared the story with him. However, he had gently insisted that she return the book, concerned that it might be too intense for anyone below the age of ten.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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