Episode 1: Girl Meets World (episode)

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(The Styles' apartment: Jules' bedroom)

Jules: Why do we need to sneak out of the house if we're not doing anything wrong until we sneak onto the subway?

Mia: You think you're ready to just walk by your parents?

Jules: I think I'm ready.

Mia: Let me see your face as you walk by your parents.

Jules: (makes a face)

Mia: Why are you making that face at us, Jules?

Jules: Because I'm sneaking out to the subway. (points to window) Out the window.

Mia: Let's go. (her and Jules climb out of the window)

Jules: (to Harry) Daddy! What are you doing out here? (A/N: not in the dirty kind of way)

Mia: (to Harry) Being smarter then me; how come you're always smarter than me? (her and Jules climb back into the room)

Harry: (climbs in window and says to Jules) Here's what I'm thinking. (Mia and Jules sit on bed) It's not your world yet. It's still my world. Because if it was your world, Mia would have you on the subway already, thinking you put something over on me. But you didn't. Know how I know? Look at you. You're right here.

Jules: How long do I have to live in my father's world?

Harry: Until you make it yours. Jules, do you know what I want more than anything? Go ahead. Make it yours.

Jules: I will. And when I do, will you still be there for me?

Ariana: (enters) Right here. We'll be right here.

Jules: (exits with Mia)

(Bleecker Street Subway Station. Mia and Jules enter)

Corbin: (playing garbage cans as drums, as Mia and Jules dance along)

Mia: Corbin!

Corbin: Mia! Who's the new chick?

Jules: Chick! Down here I'm a chick! No wonder my parents don't want me on the subway.

Mia: (starts walking, and Jules follows)

Ashley: You're slouching, Mia.

Mia: Thanks, Ashley! (poses, walks forward, then to the side)

Jules: (follows Mia)

(New York City Subway. Mia and Jules are inside)

Jules: (applies lip gloss)

Mia: Woah, Jules, you don't do lip gloss.

Jules: Oh! What I forgot to mention is that I'm completely reinventing myself. I ride the subway now, I have kiwi lips now, and I'm just as cool as you now!

Mia: (looks over Jules' shoulder) Yeah, let's see how cool you can be when you look at him.

Jules: (turns around)

Asher: (smiles at Jules)

Jules: (awkwardly smiles, then turns to Mia and giggles)

Mia: Yeah, you're gonna need some lessons. Let me show you everything you need to know about boys and girls. (walks over to Asher and says to him) Hi, I'm Mia. You're really cute. We should hang out sometime. You make me happy. You don't pay enough attention to me. This isn't working out. It's you, not me. We can still be friends, not really. (walks away) He's available. We just broke up.

Jules: Are you okay? Do we need to talk about it?

Mia: You still wanna be like me?

Jules: I want to be exactly like you. I think too much and you don't think at all.

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